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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy the future content of my story. Also, if you have time, make sure to check out my other stories.
Last year, I created a story like this, and I read it, and I realize I wanted to rewrite it since It was kinda good, besides the spelling and punctuation errors. I'm pretty new to fan-fiction so please bear with me.

*Also, yes the main Character [Maya] is an African American whose going to be play a smart girl and a victim of being bullied. I hope I don't see some shitty comment that say something like 'Oh that's unrealistic'  'Lmaaooooo, that would never happen to a black girl!" , because have you  traveled the world hunny? No? Have you gone to every single damn place in the planet and met every living human being? No? That's what I expected to hear. Proceed.

Chapter One:Mayah's POV-

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Chapter One:
Mayah's POV-

I open the silver doorknob of the small but, aged World history classroom.

I can see all eyes on me, which made my stomache feel funny.

I walk to the front of the class, to grab the jet black laptop in the shelf.

I hear snickers but, I choose to ignore it.

They are not going to tear me down today, not fucking today.

I grab the laptop and go sit on my seat which is placed in the front of the class. I open the laptop and a beautiful flower was flashing in the screen with a 'log in' screen.

Alexa, enters the classroom.
She glance at me then scoffs.

Why that little bitc-- Not today Mayah not today.

I log into my computer.

I don't know why she hates me; i've never done anything to make her hate me. Well, unless it's my brains of course.

Alexa and I were best friends ever since pre-school but, she decided she wanted to dump me as her best friend because I was too 'nerdy.'

She's gorgeous and was maybe 5 foot 6, while i'm a whopping 5'11. She has vibrant curly blonde hair that reaches down to the top of her butt. She has beautiful upturned bold ocean blue eyes, small blossom lips which was painted with a bubblegum pink lipstick.

Today she's wearing a white crop top that said 'babe' where her right breast should be, black high waisted shorts a few inches away from her kneecap, and white addidas superstar shoes.

I have a deep skin tone, chesnut brown almond eyes, a button nose, and full round lips. Im prety skinny (healthy) and long legs which makes me a tall female.

My dream is to  become a runway and fashion model.

I take a look at my clothes.

Today, I chose to wear a white t-shirt that has Justin Bieber's handsome face on it, blue skinny jeans, and my White Nike Air forces.

I don't know why but, today I had a feeling that I just gotta wear The JB t-shirt.


The class has started, and the freaking teacher isn't here?

A few seconds later the teacher came and right after him was..JUSTIN BIEBER?

I hear gasps.

I rub my eyes to make sure my eyes weren't playing with me.
Justin Bieber was still In the front of the classroom.

"Guys, meet your new classmate, Justin Bieber!"

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