ᴰᴱᴬᴿ ᴴᴱᴬᴿᵀ

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He didn't love you back
He never cared for us
But why??
Why do you still care about him
Why do you beat so fast when he's around
We gave all we could to make him smile
We sacrificed our everything to be with him
To the moon and back
It's only him that counted
In return this is what we get
Agony, pain, betray, mistreatment
Ohhh poor heart !!
Please learn to listen,live on your own
Don't love again
It'll only kill you,,, it'll bury all dreams of a happy ending
Dear broken soul
Hope is coming
The right one is on the way
Forget the hurt,the past pain
Focus on the new beginning
We'll go through this together
I promise you this

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