Guang Hong X Leo De La Iglesias: Just Friends

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Guang Hong's POV
I was heartbroken; I knew I could have done better with both my short program and my free skate but my nerves and limited practice had prevented it. My heart sunk as I watched my chances of making it to the Grand Prix Final disappear before my eyes.
There's always the Four Continents and Worlds I thought sadly; it did nothing to resolve the ache in my chest. When I won the bronze in Skate America I knew I had a good chance at the GPF. This dream died much sooner than I'd hoped. I turned around to see my friend Leo exiting the waiting room to the rink; I hoped he did better than I did.
Leo's POV
I looked over at Guang Hong sitting in front of the TV. He looked incredibly sad. I had the urge to comfort him but I didn't know what to say to make him feel better. I started over to pat his back but my coach tugged me away by the back of the shirt.
"Let's go Leo." With a nod I reluctantly turned and left.
Guang Hong's POV
Leo's free skate went better than mine but I beat him by 1.48 in overall score. Seeing his coach holding him in the kiss and cry caused a pang of jelousy to course through me. I knew exactly how he was feeling and I wanted badly to comfort him. After a few minutes Leo walked in and I rushed towards him and wrapped around him in a hug. He stiffened but soon embraced me in return, enveloping me in his warm arms.
"Worlds, right? We can try harder." I mumbled into his chest.
He pulled away,

"You want to watch the rest of the competition together?"
"I would love to." The two of us sat together and watched Chris perform. I gave a huff of displeasure when he earned second place. At this, Leo reached out and grabbed my hand lightly with his own. I blushed and looked down at his hand intertwined with mine,
"L-Leo-kun?" He looked at me,

"I-I... Would you like to go to dinner with me?" I blurted out. I couldn't tell him how I really felt.
"Sure Guang." He said with a smile.
Leo's POV
We'd decided to meet at a local resturant after the competiton. The whole way to the resturant I thought only about this boy who has been my friend for years. I found myself missing him even though I had seen him only a few a minutes ago. I felt something like a shift, a change in things. Just as I had let the different-ness of it settle around me, my confidence was shaken again when I realized that nothing had changed - a pre-existing ...situation? - was that the right word for it? condition, maybe? No, that sounded bad - had simply come to light in my mind. Upon my arrival I slid into the booth across from Guang who was already at the restaurant.
"Hey Guang." I said with a smile.
"H-hi, Leo-kun." He said. I saw his cheeks steadily but rapidly redden.
"You don't have to be nervous." I said as I reached across the table and gave his hand a small squeeze. The waiter visited our table and we ordered.
"Do you want to order some beer, Guang?" I asked once the waiter left.
"I can't drink, Leo. The legal drinking age in China is 18."
I chuckled,

"But I can. I could order one and you could just share it with me."
He considered this,

"I-I don't know. I've never had alcohol."
"Well, I'll order one and if you want some: you're welcome to it."
"Thank you, Leo-kun."
I smiled and took a moment to appreciate how innocent the boy was,

"It's no problem."

He sighed and lay his head down on the table,

"I'm so dissapointed in myself." I patted his head gently,

"You did great."
"No I didn't. I..." He looked up at me. My fingers were still entangled in his soft hair.
"Leo-kun, what are you..."
"Shh." I hooked a finger under his chin and placed my thumb on his bottom lip. I found my eyes glued to his surprisingly soft-looking lips and cursed myself for allowing them to previously evade my notice.
"Would it be ok if I were to kiss you?" I asked, my voice deep, full of emotion, and barely audible.
"I-I..." He stammered. I carefully pulled him across the table by his collar and kissed his lips gently. As I pulled away I noticed a vibrant blush on his freckled cheeks. He sat back, his face unreadable.
"Yes?" I asked, concerned that I'd made a mistake.
"Would you mind kissing me again?" I mentally sighed in relief.
"Maybe. You're pretty far away. Come sit next to me where I can reach you and I'll consider it." I said with a smirk and a playful wink. I saw his already glowing blush brighten before he timidly got up and slid close to me. I took him gently by the chin again and gave him a more heated kiss. Our lips brushed smoothly together. I found myself very conscious of everywhere that he was. One of his hands brushed through my hair and the other was placed cautiously on the front of my shoulder, nearly touching my chest. I reluctantly pulled back and admired his beautiful smile,
"How was that?" I asked.
"Perfect." He said looking down shyly.
"I've liked you for a long time Guang. It just took me almost as long to realize it."
"I've known that I like you for a long time." He admitted.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to realize." I said, looking down slightly, feeling ashamed and guilty.
"It's ok... I just... Now that you know I don't want you to go back to the US."
"I don't want to either. But I have to." I glanced up and saw tears begin to trickle out of his eyes and drip onto the table. My head snapped up and I rushed to comfort him.
"No, don't cry." I placed my hands on his cheeks and wiped his tears away with my thumbs as gently and lovingly as I could. "Please," I whispered.
"I-I don't want to loose you Leo-Kun." He whimpered. I had to strain to hear him.
"Lets not think about these things now, Guang. If we don't get a tomorrow I want to just enjoy tonight with you."
"Okay Leo-Kun." He said with a sniffle as he wiped away his tears. He leaned his head against my shoulder gently. I played with his soft hair, nuzzled my face into his neck and whispered,

"But don't worry too much about tomorrow. You can't loose me when there's no one I'd rather be with than you. And that won't change."

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