10 1 3

"So, did you finish that essay yet, or do you plan on waiting until the last minute? Like you always do."

"...I haven't even started yet."

"...Me neither."

We both laughed, walking through the hallways with big stupid grins on our faces.

He's so wonderful. I just can't describe how I feel when I'm around him. His curly dark brown hair, his pearly white smile. I can't get enough of it. It felt almost like he'd cast a spell on me. A love spell. A complicated feeling that's somehow so simply joyful. Something that you can't explain with more than a few words. It's so complicated, that it becomes simple.


I'm suddenly snapped out of my deep thoughts the moment that he speaks.


"We passed your class already."

I froze in place, my face flushing red as I turned and ran off. I just can't keep track of things around this boy.

"I'll see you later then, Vin!" I wave at him with a smile on my face, disappearing into my classroom.

I spent the entire class doodling in my notebook, which wasn't the best thing to do as a college student during note taking. I doodled pictures of gorgeous knives I wish I had. Bunnies with their heads chopped off. The usual. Yet at the same time, I couldn't keep my mind off of him. The sweet way his pink lips curl into a smile. His tan, blemish free skin...Oh, I just yearned to slice him open and check to see if he was made of candy. Because it sure as hell seemed like he was.


10:45 P.M.
🍌Candy-boy🍬: You awake?

Zachary🔪: Duh.

🍌Candy-boy🍬: Doing what?

Zachary🔪: Fucking unicorns. 🎠 Jk. I'm finishing up my paper, hbu?

🍌Candy-boy🍬: Procrastinating. 😛 I'm surprised you aren't doing the same thing.

Zachary🔪: I'm being responsible. 😑

🍌Candy-boy🍬: You? Being responsible? I never thought that I would se the day!

🍌Candy-boy🍬: See*

🍌Candy-boy🍬: Anyways. You free on Saturday?

Zachary: Fuck yeah I am. You planning something? 😜

🍌Candy-boy🍬: Just dinner. I had some extra money and decided I would waste it on you.

Zachary🔪: Me? A waste? I must be the best damn waste there ever was. Yeah, I'll blow the money for you and make sure I order the most expensive thing on the menu. 💸

🍌Candy-boy🍬: Whatever. I'll see you at lunch tomorrow. Night.

Zachary🔪: Night~


Hubllfufuf I'm sorry for the late update and short chapter

This was mostly filler and shit
The actual shit will start up soon I swear

Sorry again bYE

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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