Part 12 || The Catchup

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I took the last sip of my tea as I picked up my phone. I had got a lot of notifications from the girls group chat on iMessage.

"Jade are you seeing Sam?! why didn't you tell us!" A message from Jesy said.

"Jade answer us!" Leigh has said.

"Jade I swear to god answer us." Perrie said, I could tell she was getting paranoid.

"Wow what?!" I sent back. "Yes, I'm seeing him right now but not romantically!" I replied back to them and their theories.

"Since when do you and Sam speak again?" Leigh asked me.

"Since he.." I was thinking of a better way to explain other than 'he kidnapped me and explained why he lost contact with me'.

"Well?" Jesy sent, waiting for me to reply.

I seen Sam walk back in. "Well, we met the other day and he explained everything so we thought rather than just never speak again to remain as friends" I sent back before turning my phone off and putting it in my pocket.

"I'm so sorry but I need to go, the boys want me in the studio for practice" he told me as he reached our table.

"Oh no don't worry, I understand" I reassured him.

He gave me a smile. "Thanks. See you around then?"

"I guess you will" I told him, smiling back.

We both said our goodbyes and left.

As I was walking up the hallway to my door, the question hit me.

How did the girls know I was with Sam?

Sam's POV

I drove back to the studio where the guys were. I entered the building and walked into the massive hall where we rehearse.

"Yoooo, guys Sam's here!" Perry shouted for the other guys to come in.

They all came running within a matter of seconds. They all ran up to me and tackled me to the ground.

Some of them were rubbing the top of my head with their fist while the others where on top of me.

They were all shouting "yes Sam! Good on ya!"

I was slightly confused.

"What? What's everyone talking about?" I asked. "Oh and, can everyone get off me? Thanks" I said pretty straight forward.

They all got off me and helped me up.

"Okay, did I miss something..? Why are you all so happy?" I asked really confused at this point.

"You and Jade! You got her back bruv!" Ashley said.

"Woah woah woah... no." I told them.

"We were just out for some coffee, for a friendly catch-up. Nothing more" I told them.

"Wait wait wait, so you're over her?" Mitch asked me.

I didn't say anything. The whole hall went silent.

"I guess that answers my question.." Mitch said.

"Well is she over you?" Perry then asked me.

I sighed. "Yeah.. she's seeing that guy from the struts" I told them.

"Whats that?" Jordan asked.

"The struts? You guys haven't heard of them?" I asked.

They all looked at me as if I was stupid.

"They're a rock band. Jade's dating Jed" I told them.

They all gave me an "oh" look.

I nodded. "Yep.." I said.

"Wait wait... how did you know I was with Jade in the first place?" I asked, slightly confused again.

"Bro, it's all over social media" Perry said.

The whole hall fell silent, yet again. I didn't know what to say.

If Jed finds out, will I have ruined it for them?

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