Magic Circle

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I used to believe that there was a magic circle and everybody but me was inside, I was alone on the outside.

I still think this but now it it is not only me on the outside. Now I have Marnie with me. We are on the outside together, its as if we have our own separate magic circle and we we don't need anyone else in it but every now and then someone comes in to visit. But they are only with us briefly.
I suppose another way to think of it is that it was me in the magic circle, alone, and then Marnie came along and it was the two of us together in the circle. It would make sense, I was always stared at and avoided as if I was an exotic animal in the zoo and my circle was the cage, but when Marnie came they didn't just stare at me and we could bear the world together.

I remember when we first met, that one night as she pulled in my boat, it was like when I first saw the ocean - like there was so much of everything else and so little of me. But now that has changed, I have seen her pains and she has seen my strengths. We made each other strong and few alongside each other.

I just wish we could meet once more.

Every night, when we can't meet, I sit and talk to the moon as if it were her. Marnie is like the moon to me in many ways, I know many people say their most important person is their sun but Marnie is my moon. She doesn't shine in an utterly blinding way but instead she glows in a happy and gracious way and like me she has her darker hidden side and troubles.

Never before have I been so close but also so happy to be around another person. I always viewed the magic circle as something there that saves me from losing people but by doing tat I never had anyone. Now I see it differently. Now I see it to have been a way to make me truly value the friendship I have gained and I never want to forget it again.

Marnie, let's always be separate from everyone else if means we are together. I would rather have you and only you rather than everyone except you. Let us remain together whether it is in or out of the circle.

Marnie, all I truly know is that I never want to forget you again.
Please never forget me either, your friend Anna.

I never want her to be lonely again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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