McCree x Reader-Smooth Sipping Whiskey

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The whole Overwatch team had gone out to a local bar to take a load off from the day they had. [F/N] sat at the bar alone with a chilled glass of whiskey and a cigar puffing from her mouth.

She only would smoke on rough days, and that's exactly what her day had been. She and her team had lost every single battle they fought.

She closed her eyes as she took another sweet inhale into the cigar. Tapping off the ash into a tray, she drank more whiskey to numb her disappointments.

Several seats away, her teammate and friend Jesse McCree sat with Jack Morrison, watching her sipping and smoking.

"Jack, you know what's up with the pretty little lady over there? I reckon were with her the whole time during combat today right?" Jesse inquired before putting his beer bottle to his lips and sipping.

76 glanced over to the girl and back at the burley man before him.

"She gets that way every time our team has a loss, which isn't very often that they do" the Soldier said, "Today was the first time we have lost in a long time"

McCree gave a simple "Hm." and continued drinking his drink. He couldn't stop looking at [F/N]. He just found her so intriguing. Her beautiful face and body frame was so desirable. The way her lips wrapped around the end of the cigar and the way she gently sipped her hard drink. Her beautiful eyes were dull and upset, but still beautiful to him.

He watched as she smashed her finished cigar into the ash tray. He took this chance to stand from his seat across the bar and sit next to her.

[F/N] looked to who had sat next to her. She gently and half heartedly greeted the dashing cowboy.

"Rough day darlin'?" Jesse spoke with a voice like silk. He studied her as she sighed and turned towards him.

"Coulda been better. I haven't lost in combat in a while honestly. Did the smoking and hard liquor give it away?" She chuckled as her words melded together almost as she took another cigar from inside her jacket and placing it in her mouth, "got a light?"

He fiddled with his sarape and pulled out his lighter. He set ablaze her smoke and she began puffing yet again. In the dim light, he could see her pinked cheeks and heard her slurring words from before.

She took another sip of her whiskey, just for it to run dry. She attempted to hail the omnic bartender for another drink but was denied due to her current state. She angrily sighed and rubbed her eyes.

"Oi omnic guy" she spoke, shaking the empty glass. The bartender scoffed to her and stopped in front of the pair, looking to Jesse.

"Better take her back home. I'm not gonna serve her anymore drinks tonight" the bartender said. The large man in front of him sighed and nodded.

"C'mon girly best get back to base" McCree said as he removed the cigar from her mouth and placed it in his.

"Hey no fair" the girl before him giggled.

"I'm not he drunk one in this situation kiddo" he said to [F/N] with a smile.

With this remark, he picked up and slung [F/N] over his shoulder. She didn't complain with his actions and wrapped her arms around his neck. His face reddened as he carried her back to the base.

When the two where almost back to the base, the half asleep drunken girl began to speak.

"I just think you should know, you're cute and I've had a crush on you since we met" [F/N] drunkenly giggled in his ear, alcohol had torn down her filter and her words still slurred together, "I honestly wanna just sleep in your bed with you tonight. My room is too far and I'll be cold".

McCree smiled to himself and held her tighter.

"That can be arranged pretty lady" he spoke as they arrived in the base.

He placed her feet on the ground and supported her as he opened the door to his room. He picked her up again, [F/N] snuggling into the crick of his warm neck.

Jesse laid her down in the bed. "I'll be one second, Im gonna change into something other than this" he spoke.

He began to undress, shirt first. He unbuttoned it swift as he could and unbuttoned his pants until he was in nothing but boxers (with cowboy hats on them of course).

Jesse was about to turn around before he felt a pair of weak arms grab his waist and traced his abs in circles.

"You look even more hot with clothes off" the drunk girl before him said laughing. He blushed and turned around to have her face him. Her face buried into his chest. "Can I have something else to change into?"

McCree nodded and gently peeled the pretty girl off of him. He reached into a drawer and pulled out an old shirt that he usually wore for training. He handed it to her but as he turned around he saw the girl in front of him tangled in her own shirt...drunkenness has obviously and severely impaired her it seems.

"Need help pretty lady?" He said heavily blushing and trying not to look, embarrassed by the fact that the team member he had been pinning for was right before him, half naked.

"Mmmmmhmmmmm" she hummed with a giggle. McCree walked forward and pulled the rest of the shirt off and placed the new shirt in his hands on her. He then went to removing her jeans, leaving her also in her underwear.

The [h/c] girl leaned back into the soft bed, pulling Jesse down with her. The large man landed on her, just hovering above her gently, a knee between her legs almost to her crotch. Arms around his neck, she kissed him. Not willing to decline the kiss, the cowboy kissed back.

He pulled away and flopped his body next to hers and pulled her in close. He kissed her head suavely and closed his eyes. The two drifted to sleep together that night, with not a worry in the world.

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