~Chapter One~

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A young, French artist, by the name of Encre, was painting a snowy meadow. "Je ne le ferai jamais bien!" (I'll never get it right!) He dropped his paintbrush, sighing.
"J'ai besoin d'inspiration..." (I need inspiration...) He said to himself. He gathered a sketchbook and some pencils, along with colourful pastels and put them into his satchel.

He walked outside into the morning light. He took a breath of fresh air and smiled. "Quel beau deuil ...!" (What a beautiful morning!) He was greeted by the townsfolk. "Good morning, Encre!" They'd call. "Bonjour!" He'd call back.

Some would ask where he's going. Others would ask about his day so far. He would answer with, "Un peu stressant. Mais, bon tout de même." (A bit stressful.
But good all the same.)

He walked around town, looking for a snowy meadow. But there was barely any snow this winter. "Je suppose que je dois aller à la forêt..." (I guess I've got to go to the forest...)

Encre set out the forest, not thinking of the dangers of the place. He walk past the first row of trees. There wasn't much snow, so he kept walking. He suddenly felt the air temperature drop.

"Huh?!! Pourquoi si froid tout à coup...?!!" (Huh?!! Why so cold all of a sudden...?!!)

His teeth began chattering and he began shivering. He kept going, determined to find a snowy meadow.

It soon got dark. It was nightfall.

He started looking around. It felt like something, or someone, was watching him. He turned around realizing he didn't know the way back.

"Ow! Laisse aller!!" (Ow! Let go!!) He yelled as he felt someone grab his arms from behind. He was thrown against a tree. He felt a searing pain run through his body as he hit the tree with a loud crunch.

He saw black spots dance at the edge of his vision. A dark figure picked him up and pinned him against the tree. He struggled weakly.?

"Stop struggling." The figure demanded. Encre obeyed. "S'il vous plait...Laissez-moi partir..." (Please...Let me go...) Encre begged weakly.


he figure seemed confused. They leaned closer to Encre, their eyes seeming to glow. "Very obedient~ And your blood smells so sweet~" Encre's eyes widened in fear. "Vous êtes un vampire..." (You're a vampire...) The figure put his hand on Encre's chin, lifting his head up to expose his neck from his scarf.

The figure leaned down to Encre's neck a licked it slowly. Encre shuddered and whimpered. Encre cried out as the vampire's fangs pierced his neck at the place where the vein is.

Encre began feeling weaker as he felt his blood being drained. His vision became blurry as the vampire finished. Finally, as the vampire pulled away, Encre fell forward, everything going black.


*A/N: Hi everyone! So...I literally just found out about this ship yesterday afternoon...well, afternoon for me. But still. I learned as much as I could about this to make art and write this. It may not be very good, but I hope you like it all the same! 'Till next time! Toodles~!*

[Discontinued] Painted scarlet-A Fallacy and Encre storyWhere stories live. Discover now