Chapter Three - Movies? Movies

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The two walked out, their drastically different skin tones clashing as the walked closely together.

"We'll have to drive to my place, it's by the beach" Mark's voice harmonized around her, and all she could do was nod. The ginger and brunette walked in silence for a moment before Mark, once again, started the conversation.

"What makes you want to write?" the question was simple enough, yet had just enough debatability in it to spark Cercie's interests.

"I dunno. I guess it was kinda a spite thing if that makes sense. My dad was a sexist douche, to say nicely," she was practically skipping with the use of her once a day fatherly insult. Mark, on the other hand, had his eyebrows raised at her sudden 'vulgar' language.

"You know, you're a lot different than what people see you as." the conversation kept going as the reached the car.

Yet it had a momentary pause as the pair slipped into the vehicle and strapped in, Cercie mumbling something about "Safety before flirting" as she did so.

Finally ready to go, Mark pulled out and headed home.

"Hey, Mark, could you teach me to, I dunno, have a youtube channel. It might be cool for my readers. Then I could get more familiar with them and bond with them, ya know?" she thought it was a good idea. It really would help her see her fans more, and it may even allow her to make friends. Hell, if it didn't do either of those things at least she'd be in the loop of what's going on in the world.

The YouTuber glanced over at her before returning his focus to the road.

"Yeah, I don't see why not. We can do videos together and I can harass you more" that made her laugh. And that laugh was like tiny bells of heaven. It wasn't loud, but it was soft either. Mark couldn't help but look at the way her eyes crinkled up, slightly covering the blue irises. Nor could he look away from the darkened color of her freckles. He only wished he could see her giggle grin, but it was hidden from view by her hand.

"Yeah! It'll be fun", she managed after she had stopped laughing, a victory Mark would keep in his book forever.

Their conversation continued on throughout the car ride. The learned each other's favorite colors, favorite books, favorite movies. Hell the even learned each other's favorite sex position for god knows what reason.

Cercie had never been so happy for L.A. traffic. She genuinely enjoyed talking to the olive skinned man. Something about him lured her in. He made her excited to be alive.

The car pulled to a stop in front of a decent size house. The outside walls were wooden planks, some painted a tannish cream color while others were stained into a darker brown.

Mark lead her up the concrete steps, though he was a fair distance ahead of her. Her flats clacked against the solid ground as her short legs rushed after him. As she finally got behind him he unlocked the door, opening it to allow her inside.

The walls were white, some with decorations some without. The house was generally clean, though there was some clothing strewn about as the two walked up the stairs, joking about whatever came to mind.

Soon they found themselves standing in front of Mark's camera, both still giggling messes.

"Alright, no, wait," Mark let out another series of laughs before getting himself to talk again, "We actually need to record. Okay, okay" Another series of laughs came from the two as they made eye contact.

Finally, the pair had managed to get themselves under control, or at least to a point to actually film. Mark, with his toothy lopsided smile, pressed record.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and today I'm here with Cercie Greenwood, and you' know I got to meet her yesterday! " Mark told the camera, his signature smile lighting up his features.

"Hi guys! Cercie here!" she spoke up, a shy smile playing on her lips, and Mark felt his heart melt. And now it was his turn to speak.

"We're going to play a game together, umm, let's do Mario. You down?" he turned to her, their eyes meeting for a moment. They could have stared at each other forever, but there was no time for that.

"Fuck yes. Let's play. I'm gonna kick your asssss" Cercie's confident nature was coming out again, quite different from when the date started.

"Bullshit!" Mark retorted setting up the game pretty quickly before they began.

Cussing was very much apparent as they passed each other, screaming "Fuck you, ya dick" or even "Son of a bitch, you motherfucker, God damn you"

This went on for a solid two hours, Mark mostly winning, though Cercie won more than a few times herself. Another series of giggles escaped the pair as Mark did the outro.

"Anywho, we'll see you guys later. We'll probably be doing this again" he looked over to the ginger, earning an enthusiastic nod, "So bye bye!"

With that Mark shut off the camera before looking over at her, a grin plastered on his face, just like before.

"That was fun, Mark. I can't wait to do another" she told him, her features lit up. He nodded, leading her out of the room, downstairs.

"Wanna watch a movie? Go home?" he offered Serie. 

"Sure, but I might fall asleep. I'm usually asleep during the day" she told him, oblivious to his emotions. She was to invested in adoring him.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be a good boy" he teased, his grin widening. God what was happening to him. He hadn't even felt like this with Amy, and he knew he was in love with her. So what was he with Seri?

He shrugged away those thoughts. They weren't important at the moment. What was important was that he made her comfortable and happy.

He thought for a moment, going over her Q and As in his head before he remembered she adored Pixar movies. He also remembered that she loved Shark Tales. So he grabbed it off his movie shelf and put it in, glancing back to see her on the couch.

He walked back to the gray length of fabric, plopping down on the gray fabric next to her. He felt her somewhat cuddle into him as the movie started, hearing her let out a small squeal and a gasp.

"How'd you know this is my favorite movie?" she questioned, turning to look at him. He laughed shaking his head.

"Didn't, but my instincts must have guided me. Must be psychic" he told her, his smile widening, making her laugh.

She cuddled back into the couch, and him, setting her eyes on the screen. They watched, Mark glancing down at her every few minutes before he looked down at her and saw her asleep. 

A/N : Another shout out to my fabulous revising duo. They're an amazing pair and honestly deserve so much more credit! Anywho, thanks for reading.

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