02: Breaking a teacher's hostility

Start from the beginning

I tried to calm Simrin down but she pointed a finger at River's chest. "You, mister, owe me twenty dollars for this shirt. And an apology, until then, there's no way in hell I'll tutor you. And then how will you pass school?"

Tutor? What? I'm so outta the loop. I made a mental note to interrogate Simrin during lunch.

Before he could answer, she scowled at him, "Definitely not with your peabrain, that's how."

With that, she looped our elbows together, and strutted away with me flanking her. I watched with a grimace as the goo slithered down her shirt and dribbled on her skirt.

"Yo, Princess." River hollered and I halted us to a stop, Simrin trying to pull away before groaning in defeat and whipping her head around with a measly glare.

"Wha-" The end of the word was muffled by a leather hoodie that had fallen on Simrin's head. She snatched it off, her glare faltering momentarily as she scanned the clothing before huffing. River had already started striding away into another corridor.

"Awe." I cooed as Simrin threw the hoodie over her ruined shirt. "He gave you his hoodie."

"To cover up the mess he made." Simrin snorted and fanned herself sarcastically. "How gentlemanly of him, really."

"Swoon-worthy, nevertheless." I wiggled my eyebrows. She rolled her eyes in response, an unnecessary blush shading her cheeks. Simrin doesn't do romance, she's never had boyfriend unless you count a puerile childhood romance while she lived in Italy that was cut short when she moved.

"Whatever, I'm starved." Simrin patted her stomach and dragged me to the lunchroom. When we got there, our attention was taken by a crowd hovering over a particular table. Seated at the table, were the Arturo sisters, their friends, and their boyfriends. People switched tables daily, there wasn't a specific table labeled for the populars, though they did reside near the back where no faculty could spot them kissing and cussing.

"Look!" Simrin gestured towards Brooklyn Arturo and her yearlong boyfriend, Jackson. It was Brooklyn's birthday today and so far everyone has showered her with presents. Jackson had bought her and him tickets to friggin' Monte Carlo for the long weekend coming up, my mom would never let me go somewhere alone with my jock boyfriend - if I had one - nor would she be happy that someone spent that much money in commemoration of my birth.

But, rich kids these days, ya know? They have different iPhones to coordinate with their convertibles.

Brooklyn's younger sister waved us over and we walked over to their table.

"Hey, Winter." We greet the humble brunette with our own short, group hug. Some pupils stop at our entrance and smile at Simrin and then nervously wave at me. Everyone loves my best friend, whereas most people are afraid to approach me.

"Hey, Sloan, Simrin." Winter smiles at us and beckons us to sit down. Brooklyn distractedly glances at me before her attention directs towards me fully as her head leans on Jackson's broad shoulder.

The Arturo siblings aren't the usual cliché populars, their parents aren't mega rich or famous, and they don't always dress or act like sluts. Though Brooklyn is more vicious than Winter, they are both enviably beautiful. Brooklyn and Winter share the same brown hair and doe eyes, and they aren't body goals, but they aren't overweight either.

"Hey, Jacks." I wink at Jackson Moore, not in a flirtatious way, more playful. He returns my wink with a wolfish grin and Brooklyn's grip on his arm tightens visibly.

"Sloan." Brooklyn's face turns stony as she acknowledges me.

I ignore her iciness and do unenthusiastic jazz hands. "Happy birthday, I guess. One more year to cross off before you die!"

She scowls at me and Winter laughs awkwardly in hopes to cut the tension. "Well, that's a morbid way of putting it."

I humorlessly chuckle along with Winter at her statement and steal a fry from one of the girls seated at the table. The girl's wide brown eyes narrow, but she doesn't protest.

"So, are you having a birthday party?" I make small talk while picking at my chipped gray nail polish. Brooklyn shakes her head frantically but Winter nods excitedly for her older sister.

"Yeah, she is." She answers, her brown eyes twinkling in happiness. "It's this Saturday; retro themed. It's gonna be a total rager. Right, Lys?" She bumps shoulders with her friend, Lysaya Hoosier. Lys hums in agreement and bites into a sandwich.

"Didn't you get the invite? I slid it in your locker Friday cause I couldn't find you." Winter shrugs, unheeding Brooklyn's warning glare.

Hmm, my eyes narrow mischievously, someone doesn't want me at their party.

"I wasn't here Friday." I excuse. I skipped school to witness my brother on anesthesia after his wisdom teeth removal. One more blackmail video at my disposal.

"It's at our place, it starts at nine." Winter continues and I over-dramatically nod in interest.

"I'll definitely be there."

I'm only going because Brooklyn doesn't want me there, and what better way to ruin your enemy's birthday than to go against their demands? I mean, even if Winter hadn't invited me, I would've crashed. Be there, or be square, am I right? And I have to go because no way in hell am I square, I'm curvy as fuck.

"Oh, me too!" Simrin chirps, clapping her hands together. "I can't wait!"

"Yay." Brooklyn deadpans, the tone of her voice not carrying her statement.

Winter smiles just as her boyfriend, Gage Dartmouth, slides on the seat next to her.

"Hey, snookums." I try to make my wince at the nickname obscure as Winter pecks Gage's cheek, throws his arm around her, and cuddles into his side. Ugh, I hate couples like this. They're so aggravatingly covetable. Like, I wouldn't want to have a relationship so cringeworthy, but I want a relationship.

"Hey." Gage greets stiffly, squeezing her waist gently.

Gage Dartmouth is a friend of Blake River, as he should be, considering they're so alike. The two appear very different. Gage has a Mediterranean vibe, like Simrin. Golden skin the shade of honey, I'd totally drink that honey up, not even gonna lie, dark luscious locks that anyone would want to run their fingers through, light hazel eyes resembling a mix of autumn leaves, and a built body that is completely and utterly drool worthy. But, their attitudes are totally the same. Gage is a bit more lighthearted, River's attitude towards Simrin today was surprising, usually he's quite terrifying. Gage is also more notorious in the manwhore area, though he's been with Winter for the past couple of months, I don't doubt he hasn't cheated, to be honest. Winter doesn't seem like the kind of girl he'd be faithful for, she's too nice, too oblivious, if you catch my drift.

Everybody momentarily awes at them and then continues to eat their meal blissfully.

Other than I.

Something about the way Gage doesn't exactly smile at Winter the way a normal boyfriend would do to the supposed apple of their eyes, catches my attention. It's actually more of a pained grimace. My eyes focus on the couple, Winter is happily babbling away about something insignificant, meanwhile Gage looks as if he wants to be anywhere else but in the arms of his loved one. My suspicions of his distress are confirmed when his eyes meet mine, his whole face is practically pleading for help.

But, then again. I think to myself, prodding myself to not interfere in one of the power couples relationship. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

I snatch another fry from the same wide-eyed girl I had stolen from earlier and shrug, or maybe I'm not.

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hope you enjoyed this chapter! i'm kinda in a rush because i'm trying to divvy up my previously long chapters into shorter ones so i'm just gonna wish you a splendid day and carry on :)


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