And the children shall led with me!

Start from the beginning


MCCOY: The tests show no evidence of tensions due to lying. They behave as though nothing had gone wrong. They check out sound physically. There are no signs of any foreign biochemical substances to account for their present state. I have no answers, Jim.
KIRK: There has to be an answer.
MCCOY: Well, can't it wait till we get to a Starbase hospital so they can be checked out by child specialists?
KIRK: We're not leaving here until we find out what went on or what's going on.
MCCOY: Well, I won't prevent you questioning them, but it could harm the children if you do.
KIRK: It could be far worse for them if I don't, and for us too.
MCCOY: Be careful.

[Rec room]

CHAPEL: After this, we can all play games.
KIDS: Yeah.
Morgan: sure
-Kirk enters.-
CHAPEL: How did you like getting ice cream out of a computer?
Morgan: Normal?
MARY: That was fun.
KIRK: Well, well, well. You're all having such a good time, I think I'll join you. Is that all right?
MARY: Please do.
Morgan: I agree with Mary Please join us!
KIRK: I'll have a dish, too.
CHAPEL: Oh, of course.
KIRK: A little one. A very small one. It's better than Triacus, isn't it?
DON: That dirty old planet?
RAY: What's so good about that place?
STEVE: Yeah?
MARY: You weren't there very long. You don't know.
KIRK: I don't think your parents liked it very much either.
Morgan: Uncle did! (Great acting pshh)
TOMMY: Yeah ,they did.
STEVE: Yeah. Mine sure did.
DON: Parents like stupid things. (Brat)
CHAPEL: Oh, I don't know about that. Parents like children.
Morgan: True!
MARY: Ha. That's what you think.  (If she wasn't a little girl I'd call her a female dog to her face)
KIRK: I'm sure your parents loved you. That's why they took you with them to Triacus. So they wouldn't be so far away from you for such a long time. That would make them very unhappy and miss you. I'm sure that you would miss them, too.
(There's a silence, except Morgan Mumbling in agreement)
TOMMY: Busy, busy.
ALL except Morgan: Busy. Busy. Busy! Busy!
-The running around starts again.-
DON: Guess what we are.  (Stupid?)
CHAPEL: I know. A swarm of bees.  (Aw man thought for sure I had that one!)
MARY: Watch out. Watch out. I'll sting you.  (Then die?! Do they know how bees work?)
-She rushes at Kirk and he picks her up.-
KIRK: Now wait a minute.
TOMMY: Can we have some more ice cream, please?
Morgan: I scream for icecream!
KIRK: No, I don't think so. It'll spoil your dinner.
TOMMY: See what I told you? They all say it.
Morgan: Not all of them!
MARY: Yeah all of them!
KIRK: All right, children, you've had a busy day. I think you could use some rest. Nurse Chapel will see you to your quarters.
CHAPEL: Very good idea, Captain.
MARY: Aw, do we have to?
Morgan: I would like to request not to sleep near Mary!
-Chapel ushers the little ones out.-
KIRK: Tommy, Just a moment. I'd like to ask you a question. Come and sit down. Tommy, will you tell me what you saw?
KIRK: In the cave, on the planet. On Triacus.
TOMMY: You were there.
KIRK: Did you see your father today? (What type of question is that?!)
TOMMY: I saw him.
KIRK: Did he seem upset?
TOMMY: Yeah, he was very upset.
KIRK: What about?
TOMMY: I didn't ask him.
KIRK: What was going on that would have upset him?
TOMMY: How should I know? He was always upset, just like you, Captain Kirk.
KIRK: I'm not upset with you, Tommy, or your friends. We invited you aboard the Enterprise. Why would I do that if I didn't like you?
TOMMY: You have your reasons.
KIRK: Aren't you unhappy about leaving Triacus?
TOMMY: That place? That's for adults.
KIRK: Aren't you upset about leaving your parents?
TOMMY: My parents? They love it down there. Always busy. -he nearly chokes up- They're happy. Can I go now? I'm tired too, you know.
KIRK: Yes, certainly. I'll take you.
TOMMY: I know the way.
-Tommy leaves.-
KIRK: Kirk to security. Post a guard on the children. They're to be kept under constant watch.

[Children's quarters]

(The children are in a circle, chanting whilst morgan just in the corner reading a book.)
CHILDREN: Hail, hail, fire and snow. Call the angel, we will go. Far away, for to see, friendly Angel come to me. Hail, hail, fire and snow. Call the angel, we will go. Far away, for to see, friendly Angel come to me. Hail, hail
-a green figure of a large man shimmers into view-
GORGON: (echoy voice) You have done very well, my friends. You have done what must be done. You have come aboard the Enterprise. Now our destination is a Federation settlement. Captain Kirk will undoubtedly choose a closer station. Do not let that deter you. Marcos Twelve has millions of people on it. Nearly a million will join us as our friends. The rest will be our enemies. Together with our other friends who will join us, we will defeat our enemies as we defeated them on Triacus. A million friends on Marcos will make us invincible. No one will tell us where to go, when to sleep, where to eat. The universe will be mine to command, yours to play in. To accomplish this great mission, we must first control the Enterprise. To control the ship, we first must control the crew. You know how to do that. That is your next task. And as you believe, so shall you do, so shall you do. As you believe, so shall you do, so shall you do. As you believe, so shall you do, so shall you do.
(Pedo! Wee WOO WEE woo!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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