"You're not very good at locking doors," Zayn tells him, before opening one of the other male's desk drawers and Louis knows exactly which one too when the other male pulls out the pack of cigarettes he keeps in there for stressful days. "I came to steal some of your cigarettes," he says, grabbing one of the half full pack and placing it between his plump lips.

Louis rolls his eyes at his coworker, grabbing his cigarettes from the him and shoving them safely into his bag, doing the same with his lighter after the other man hands it to him. "Go buy your own," he tells the man, a clearly annoyed look spread across his face.

Zayn smiles around the cigarette in his mouth, breathing out a cloud of smoke from his lungs. He loved getting on the smaller man's nerves, it was so funny to see his reactions from it. "So, you have another meeting with the twins today," the man says, changing the subject away from his theft of the other male's cigarettes.

Louis let's out a small sigh and nods as he gets the notebook from his last meeting with the men so that he can go over what he needs to ask them in their meeting today. He was definitely asking about the name that seemed to mean something to the two men.

"You know they requested for a meeting," Zayn suddenly says and Louis turns to look at him from his spot across the desk.

"What?" He asks, not understanding why the two men would request a meeting with him, when they obviously hated him asking them questions about their past.

Zayn shrugs as he takes another drag from Louis' cigarette. "I don't know they told one of the guards that they wanted another meeting with you today," he says, not understanding why they could possibly want one either.

Louis let's out another sigh this one much louder, rubbing a hand against his temples again feeling that damn throbbing from earlier getting bigger. Today really didn't seem to be off to a good start. If they twins requested for a meeting then that must mean that they had something planned and Louis wasn't sure if it would be something good or not. "Maybe they're ready to tell you something," Zayn suddenly blurts out and again the other male turns to look at the him surprised.

"Do you really think so?" Louis asks, hoping that the other male was right and that the twins were ready to tell him what happened ten years ago to get them into this place.

Zayn nods as he steps up from the desk chair, throwing the rest of his cigarette onto the ground and stomping it out. "I hope so, it'd be great to get those two out of here. Anyways I have a meeting with the mother so I'll see you later," Zayn moves towards the door to leave, but Louis stops him before he leaves.

"Do you know what time the meeting is?" He asks, cursing himself for not stopping at the desk to check on his own, knowing fully well how much he got scolded for not doing it yesterday.

"Ten o'clock," Zayn says, flashing Louis a knowing smile. He knows fully well how hard your first few days here tended to be. "See ya!" He gives the other man one last wave as a good-bye before he's leaving, shutting the door behind.

The next few hours before his meeting with the twins, he tries to do some more research on the brothers, this time using his much faster laptop. He types Styles Woodpine into the search engine and pulls out a cigarette from his bag, lighting it up as he waits for the results. He scrawls through the websites that show up, searching for something new that he hasn't seen before. He furrows his eyebrows in annoyance when he doesn't seem to find anything new on the brothers. Only the news report about the day they had slaughtered all those people.

It almost seemed as if the town was trying to hide something. Either that or the twins aren't even from this place, it seemed rather fishy to him and he was going to get to the bottom of it one way or another. Louis let's out a breathe of annoyance as he shuts off the laptop, shoving it back into his bag, finishing his cigarette as he again looks through the things he plans on asking the twins during their next session.

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