Chapter 1

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The carriage was silent; everyone was asleep - everyone except Enoch and I. 

I was unable to get any rest, mainly because of all the noise Enoch was making. He was sitting across from me, his face was flushed and breathing heavily. After shooting a filthy look him and failing to get the message across, I had to ask what was wrong. 

"Enoch?" I leant forward, gazing at the panting boy. "Are you alright? You're flushed." 

"I-I'm fuh-fine," Enoch stuttered, flushing even darker. "Just, uh-"

The boy mumbled the rest, eyes down. I was instantly intrigued and leaned forward.


"Leave me alone." Enoch hissed, flipping me off. But the gesture didn't offend me, I'd already caught a glimpse of the tent in his pants. 

My breath caught in my throat.

"Euh-eyes up here." The boy tried to growl, though it came out as a stutter. Enoch twisted around so I could not longer see it. 

"I can help you with that?" I asked timidly, pointing at his crotch. "With your little problem?"

Enoch's eyes instantly darkened with lust, and I shuddered. "What do you mean?"

I wanted to holler, he was playing dumb. Deciding to show rather than tell, I brought myself up to Enoch's chair and straddled his waist. Enoch's ridiculous erection dug into my thigh and I gasped. His hair tickled my nose. 

"Fuck." I said, my groin pressed against his, and Enoch moaned loudly. I had barely even touched him. 

Then I rolled my hips forward, pressing hard against the other boy for a moment. Enoch let out a choked-gasp, eyes watering from humiliation. 

"Good?" I said teasingly. Enoch narrowed his eyes and pinched me, I yelped. "What?" 

"Fuck o-" He began, and I rolled my hips into his again. Enoch cried out, eyes clouding over from pleasure. I cupped his face in my hands, those eyes were incredibly blue. 

I grinded my hips against his again, but this time didn't stop, I kept going at a steady pace.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh." Enoch's head fell back with a thud against the chair, his tone high and girly, I grinned and went on.

"You're a little slut, aren't you?" I laughed as Enoch moaned from the comment. 

Tentatively, I leant down and kissed him, Enoch reacted instantly, kissing back. His lips were soft and slightly chapped, tussled blonde hair fell over his sweaty forehead. 

Deeper thrusts from me made Enoch whine and moan in pleasure, I pulled both overall straps down, aware that I was getting carried away. 

But Enoch let me, and I stripped him down until he only had on a green shirt and boxers. Cupping his balls in my hands, I squeezed lightly. Enoch choked back a scream. 

"Huh-Horace." He stuttered, raising his head to look at me wearily. "I need to cuh-come."

"Come then." I shrugged and sat back. Enoch's eyes widened and he whimpered again.

"Help me come," He moaned, hips rising in need of friction. "Please."

Suddenly I had a hunch, leaning forward, I hissed into his ear. "Fuckin' slut." 

Enoch groaned and his eyes rolled back into his head as his orgasm ripped through him. Smiling, I brushed back his hair and kissed him softly. Sticking my hand in my underwear, I jerked myself off for a minute before coming as well. 

Enoch sat up and looked down at himself, thick come ran down his thighs and dampened his chair. I smiled gently and passed him his overalls, Enoch stared at me in amazement. 

"How?" He whispered, eyes wide with awe. I shrugged and helped him dress. 

"I don't mind getting dirty with beautiful people." I pulled him into my lap, loving how uncomfortable he seemed when at my mercy. 

"You were so unlike the coward you usually are." Enoch attempted to insult me. 

I smiled.

"So, Enoch O'Connor has a kink for dirty-talk." I adjusted a crooked overall strap. 

Enoch flushed furiously, hissing defensively. "Leave me alone." He went to stand up. 

I hushed him, pulling the boy back down. "Kidding cutie, I'm sorry."

Enoch froze, eyes darkening before shrugging and smiling softly, pulling me down so we lay diagonal on the couch. 

"And just so you know, that hard-on was caused by you." Enoch whispered, not looking at me.

"What?" I replied, shocked, but Enoch's eyes had fluttered shut and he was fast asleep, I sighed and kissed him on the nose before falling asleep as well.


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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