Chapter II - The Hero's Secret

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Maou walked three steps behind Emi, he finally understood her feelings, he thought she's mad because they are enemies but there's a history behind the hatred, he regret it so much.

She's trying to walk straight but she can't control her alcohol filled body. Mixed emotions sadness, annoyed, feeling that she has been defiled, angry, fluttered and happy?

"Is he still behind me?" she thought to herself. "Argh!! I'm going insane, this is ridiculous! I don't understand myself anymore!" She looked behind her and saw Maou still following her. Both stood still, hot flusters coming up from her chest to her face, she knew she's gonna blush so she turned away "I think I'll be needing to drink more." Emi said to Maou.

"Aren't you drunk enough?"
"Who are you to scold me?"
"Uh... You're hopeless.."
"Whatever.." Emi went straight to a convenience store and bought whisky.

They rode the train going to Emi's apartment, walked a bit until they reached her unit. Emi unlocked the door and went straight to her kitchen to get a shot glass, she took two. Maou, while outside the unit's door, he saw Emi took two shot glasses, he understood that it was for him.

"Gonna stand there forever?" Emi asked.
"Uh.. of course not!" went inside Emi's unit and closed the door. Maou was amazed because Emi's place is very comfortable compared to their so-called castle.
"Are you hungry?" Emi asked.
"Not that much."
"That's good." Emi poured whisky into their shot glasses. "Let's drink to death!!!" Emi drank her shot "AAHHH!"
"Ha! Are you kidding me? Angels don't match with demons when it comes to drinking."
"Shut up and just drink.."
Maou a bit pissed, just drank his shot.

They just drank their shots continuously and fast without talking. Then finally Emi's got into her edge..

"I hate you so much..." Emi with dark face.
"Hah.. so do I.."

"Then drink!"

The bottle of whisky is about half way empty, then Emi became still and silent.

"Emi? Are you.. okay?" Maou curiously asked

Evil laugh "You're dead Overlord!!"

"E-emi you're not really gonna to kill me right??" Nervous laugh

Emi started to summon the Holy Sword.

"Ho-hold on Emi, please have mercy! I'm weak! I don't have my power!" much more nervous laugh.

Emi started to attack Maou - was able to dodge every attack. He know that she's already weak and he took advantage of it, he held both of her wrist. "Emi!! STOP IT!" Emi tries to escape from the demon lord's tight grip, but then she's too weak that she'd dropped her sword then it disappeared.

"Next time when you try to kill me, make sure that you're not drunk." Maou complained.

"How dare you.. I hate you! I hate you so much!!" starting to beat Maou on his chest, then she stopped, tears flowed from her eyes...


"I hate you because you killed my family, I hate you because you ruined my life, I hate you because you're a demon, my mortal enemy but why does my heart beats for you!!! I just don't understand it! I hate you so much! That I want to kill you! So that my heart will stop looking for you!! I hate you!!! I hate myself!!" still trying to beat and escape Maou's grip.

"Emi, just relax... I- I'm really sorry.. sigh.." he hugged Emi to comfort her, somehow.. he was shocked when Emi hugged him back.

They sat at the sofa, Emi on Maou's shoulder, relaxed and at last she fell asleep. Maou looked at her, it is the first time that he encounter Emi's face up close, he started to admire the beautiful angelic features of Emi, he brushed his fingers into Emi's bright magenta hair.. "these can be white sometimes.." smiled.

"Maou... Maou.. don't leave me.. please..." Emi woke up. "Just a dream?" then she felt the world spins as she got up her bed. "I'm on my bed? How'd I get here?" wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Emi went to her living room to check if Maou is still there, but she found no trace of him. "Maybe he went home..." sadness filled her heart, suddenly she remembered what she said to Maou.

"I hate you because you killed my family, I hate you because you ruined my life, I hate you because you're a demon, my mortal enemy but why does my heart beats for you!!! I just don't understand it! I hate you so much! That I want to kill you! So that my heart will stop looking for you!! I hate you!!! I hate myself!!"

Her face turned red.. "Did I... did I just confessed to him??" so shock she might die. "I hope I'll never gonna see him ever again!!"

Week later, there's no sign of Emi. She's not picking up any calls coming from Suzuno, she also change shift so that she can avoid Rika and the chance of seeing Maou on the road, this lasted for another week. But granted request for shift change ended, she'll be back to her normal day shift. "I'm sure they've already moved on after two weeks, specially Maou. Rika saw Emi at the office and started to ask questions about her not contacting them for two weeks, she said health reasons.

Emi stayed at a coffee shop after her shift trying to avoid Maou on the road going home, around 11pm she started to walk home. There she stood at the pedestrian lane where she always met Maou. "Is he even thinking about me..? Or is he happy that I've totally gave up on killing him..?"

"Is your shift ends by 11pm??" another familiar voice.

"Gasp! Maou!" on her thoughts and she looked where the voice is coming. "M-maou.. I did not expect you to be here.." Nervous laugh.

"I actually waited for you here.."

"W-waited? But.. why?"

"Rika called."

"arghh that Rika!" in her thoughts. "What about it?"

"Well, you did not show up.. for two weeks.."

"Aren't you happy about it? I'll never gonna follow you again, you're free."

"Really?! YYEESS!!"

"Just don't do something wrong, or else I'm gonna cut your head off."

"Haha you wish!"

"Okay, gonna go now, see ya!" Emi trying to escape Maou.

"W-wait! I'm gonna walk you home."


"What? Didn't you say you like me?" Emi's face turned plum red.

"What the hell!? I did not say that I like you!!!"

"Well yeah you did not literally said that, but you said that your heart beats for me?."

"My heart is already beating even without you! You Moron!!"

"Heh.. Really?"

"Yes! Totally!"

"Then..." walked closer to Emi.

"What the hell is wrong with you Overlord?!"

"Uh.. Emi.. the truth is, I kinda.. like you too..."


"I also don't know how it started, I know that I have no right.. but what I know right now is.. this feelings for you... I- I like you.. Emilia and I am really sorry for liking you"

Emi still silent.

"H-hey...." Maou is blushing, he can't look directly at Emi's green staring eyes.. "Okay, you can kill me now.." Maou closed his eyes.

"S-stop it Maou.."

Maou open his eyes...

"Uh.. I'm hungry.. you wanna eat something?" Emi asked.

"Yes, after waiting here since 6pm, I haven't eaten dinner yet."

"So its my fault??"

"Hahaha of course not! It is my fault! It is always my fault hahaha"

Finally they crossed the road.

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