Hiding Herself Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I am in love with you Razia, nor I am proving it and neither will I prove it. You will find it yourself one day"

Razia picked up the sword "it would be better that I kill you before you even think of loving Razia"

Tuglak bowed his head "you can behead me anytime princess, but I will still keep on loving you"

He held her in his arms



Madhubala released herself from his grasp but instead Rishab was mesmerised by her touch. There was something about her, something that was urging him to hold her back.

A touch that he couldn't forget, yet he had many girls in his life but he never felt like this before, he knew very well that it was strictly a shooting and nothing more than that but he wanted to hold her again, somehow he tried to control himself...

It was late evening when Madhubala sat in the car to reach home, she didn't realise Rishab following her... the moment she reached the bungalow he waited outside...

To his surprise even the watchman was not at the duty, all the servants had left in half an hour... so she was the only one in the house, he speculated.

This was something really hard to abstract, his instincts won't let him sit calmly in the car, a beautiful girl all alone in the big bungalow. Not even a single person inside except her. How does she manage by herself? He thought over, people make stories about her but today he wanted to find out more about this superstar actress who was hiding herself after the evening. Who never attends any parties or late night events, why?

He glanced over the huge gates and tried to enter. The moment he jumped over the gate a big siren banged in his ears making him leave the site quickly before any security comes...

On his way back home Rishab stopped and thought of going back again, this time he will ring the bell so Madhubala comes out herself, only he knows how much he admires her. Her touch was making him crazy since morning.

After thinking for a long time he drove back to her bungalow and rang the bell, but no one responded. "She must have slept" he murmured and thought of going back...he will plan something to enter these gates tomorrow...


He held her close to himself "my love for you is not measured in gold..."

She hugged him back "then take me with you Tuglak...."

"Razia, I want to stay in your world, with you forever"

She pulled away from his clasp "no Tuglak" Razia kept her finger on his lips "it's not easy to stay in my world. You're lucky you don't live a life like me"



Rishab eyed at Madhubala while she looked elsewhere "you don't talk to anyone..."

She didn't say anything, he occupied a chair next to her "why don't you keep any security guards, secretaries or any helpers?"

"I don't have to" she replied not looking at him

He lustily gazed her from top to bottom "you're the one whom I can't resist"

She stared at him this time "better stay away from me" she warned him and walked away...

But Rishab wouldn't stay away from Madhubala now, he wanted her. In any circumstance he won't let her go away now. He never had any girl rejected him, in fact the girls die to talk to him and here this lady doesn't even talk to him properly. There must be something, he ponder scratching his stubble a little.

It was late evening when Rishab was sitting with his friends "oh come on Rishab Kundra, you're son of the chief minister and you want to find a way to get into her house?"

Rishab stared at his group of drunk friends who were building ideas for him...

"Relax, just Drink Rishab" his friends tried to persuade him

Rishab threw the glass away "you know I can't stand even a glass you idiot, I just get out of control"

"Then what? Let yourself out of control for one day" his friend offered a glass

Rishab angrily took the glass and gulped the whiskey down his throat. The more he thought about her, the more he wanted her.


Next day

Madhubala carefully walked down the steps holding her huge dress with bare shoulders. Rishab kept looking at her with longing, ever since he had touched her, he wanted to hold her... This was not a good time, as the shooting was going on but he planned something, he won't let her escape today.

His eyes fixed on her while she didn't even bother to look at him.

Madhubala as usual sat in the car "driver lets go" the car started and she closed her eyes relaxing at the back seat...

The moment she opened her eyes she couldn't imagine and looked around... "Where are you going? We have to go home"

He stopped the car and looked back...

"You" she said and stepped out of the car "how dare you brought me here"

She was about to walk away when Rishab held her hand...

"Let me go, just leave me" she tried to shout

"Don't make me do what I don't want to...so sit in the car quietly" he said keeping a knife near her neck...

She fidgeted but he tied her hands with rope and covered her mouth with a cloth.

She quietly sat in the car frightened at his threat... if she makes any noise he might slit her neck...what will he do with her. But she was more petrified of not going back home.

She looked at the time and cried she must go back home soon or else the consequences will be bad... very bad...


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