2. Survivor Sang

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Location: Camp Sang
Date: unknown...probably won't bother with that part of the journal entry since it's pretty pointless now.

I stared into the lake's surface at my distorted reflection. Peering back were my green eyes, sunken and dulled from lack of sleep in this strange, new world. My nose was red from the sniffling that began after a two-day storm that came through. I had colds growing up but never went to the doctor. I was hoping I could get over this without the cough medicine my father would bring home. Clearing my throat, I longed for a marshmallow to sooth the soreness.

It became painfully clear early on in this adventure that I had no camping experience. I had thousands of hours of reading books to draw on but no real, concrete experience surviving the elements. It was pure luck that the weather here was mild and I had found ready water and shelter. Food was a different matter. Thanks to my mother, I was used to going long stretches without eating and never really ate much anyway. Still, I needed more than I was currently finding. If I was truly stuck here, I could only assume that eventually the weather would turn. Back in Illinois we had plenty of snow in winter. If a winter season came to Camp Sang, I would need food stored away. By following and observing various animals I had discovered several edible fruits and such, even a potato-like root that a piggish creature dug up. The animals around the village were sometimes very similar to Earth creatures and sometimes rather different. The amphitheater was home to cats that looked and acted just like normal Earth cats. The creatures I named pippins were sort of a cross between a fox and a weasel with skunk fur coloring. They were very cute. Maybe one day I'll catch one for a pet. Wonder what good name for a pet skunk would be?

The clothing I came here with will only hold out so long. The change of clothes in my pack I am saving for when these became too worn. This morning I was able to make a soapy mixture from some mystery goop that I randomly discovered in one the abandoned buildings. The rain the night before had leaked through the broken roof and left the substance moist and sudsy. I was too nervous to go skinny dipping in the lake even if there's no one around to see. Also, who knows what could be in the water. The large fins and accompanying loud splash I saw while wading knee deep sent me squealing back to shore. Therefore, I washed carefully and very quickly with underwear on. I scrub my pants and t-shirt then lay them on shrubs to dry. The sheep that graze in a meadow nearby have thick furry wool. I don't know how I would go about catching one and cutting some wool off. Even if I could get that far, what do you do to make it into yarn?

I've realized there's so much I don't know.

I turned from my reflection and twisted my dirty blonde hair back into the clip I'd been wearing that last rainy night on Earth. I looked around trying to decide what to do next, when I get the eerie feeling of being watched. I spent the rest of the day glancing all around, eventually the weird sensation dispelled.

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