Chapter 2

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Barely drifting in between her medicated sleep and consciousness, Sister Bernadette was beginning to become aware of the hushed voices near her. She tried to focus on each voice to pinpoint its owner, and as she came closer to consciousness, it became easier to discern that the voices belonged to Trixie and Constable Noakes.

"She is still heavily medicated for the pain. She just only regained consciousness in the last twenty-four hours. Is this entirely necessary right now, Constable?" Trixie was being quite stern with the constable about something, but Sister Bernadette wasn't entirely sure what.

"Nurse Franklin, I understand her fragile state, but we must get more information. This is a very time sensitive situation and we've already lost six days. I'm sorry, but I must insist," he retorted.

Just about that time, Sister Bernadette had awoken enough to insert her own curiosities of the situation. "What's all the fuss about? What do you need from me, Constable?" she asked in a raspy whisper as her throat had become parched yet again.

Trixie rushed to her side with a cup and straw, "Oh sweetie, don't try to say too much. Here, have some water. Small sips now." It was amazing how Trixie could go from so feisty to so caring in a matter of seconds.

"Sister, I need to ask you a few questions about the attack. Do you feel up to it? It really is of the utmost importance that we get this settled as soon as we're able," Constable Noakes said gently.

After a few more sips of her water and her throat feeling a bit smoother now, Sister Bernadette told him to begin his questioning and she'd do her best to accommodate his requests.

"Sister, did you know your attacker?"

"I don't recall ever even seeing him. It was all such a blur. I'm sorry, Constable."

"That's okay, Sister. Can you just tell me what you do remember of that afternoon?"

"Sure. We had just delivered the Carter twins, and Doctor Turner and I had just finished a conversation about how difficult it was when I rode away heading for Nonnatus House. Just as I rounded the corner I remember being pulled from my bicycle. I think I was very tired or maybe lost in thought because I never even saw anyone standing there when I came around the bend. I remember feeling blow after blow, but the blow to my head came first, if my memory serves. It seemed like an eternity, but I'm sure it wasn't but a few moments before I blacked out," Sister Bernadette was quite surprised with herself. She had managed to stay so calm even recalling and restating such a traumatic experience.

"Do you remember anyone else coming along behind you?" Constable Noakes asked. Sister Bernadette could only assume he was making mention of what Doctor Turner had told her about coming after her. She pondered for a second, trying to review each sketchy memory of that afternoon, but couldn't recall knowing at any moment that anyone else was there besides her and her attacker.

"I can't recall anyone else there, were there two attackers?" Her mind had taken a twisted direction all of a sudden, but she hoped that her initial thoughts were correct and that it was all just in reference to Doctor Turner coming through to find her.

"No, Sister. Just a routine question. Want to make sure there weren't any witnesses to the attack," Constable Noakes explained.

"Oh, okay. Thank you for the clarification. Did I answer all of your questions, Constable? I think I may need to speak with the Doctor now," She asked with hopes that it was all over for now.

"No, that's all, Sister. Thank you for all of your help so far. We'll call again soon." And with that, Constable Noakes excused himself to go about his other business.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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