4) Sal and Murr

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Sal's POV

I never want to have to study finances ever again, a few years of my focus being solely based around numbers and shit was enough me. Don't get me wrong, I loved college, but I was glad that I had finally finished.

I was just starting my summer break, when I bumped into an old high school friend on the ferry one day, it was James Murray. He tapped me on the shoulder, causing me to spin around.

"Hey, Sal! How have you been bud?" He exclaimed with a smile. I pulled him into a side hug, and smiled at the man.

"I've been great thanks. I've just finished my finances degree. How about you, Murr?" I replied, our eyes locking together. I won't lie to you, I've had a crush on Murray since the last year of high school. He was always so sweet and kind, the feelings just kind of, I don't know...happened?

"I'm good thanks bud. Hey, I've just moved into my first apartment, and I'm going to be throwing a housewarming party tonight. You fancy coming along?" He asked. It took all of my strength not to scream out in excitement, but I managed to contain myself. After all of these years apart, the gang would be back together. I nodded in reply to Murr, a smile never wiping from my face.

"Sure, I'll be there." I responded, before we broke our separate ways once more.

On my way back home, I couldn't get the thought of Murray out of my head. Tonight had to go smoothly, I have to move on from my feelings and accept that we'll only ever be friends. I'd rather that than lose him forever.

I quickly ran back to my place, immediately jumping into the shower. I freshened myself up, making sure I washed my hair thoroughly, before exiting the shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist and strolled into my bedroom to get dressed.

The outfit I had picked out was smart but casual, the typical party wear a twenty two year old would go for. I pulled the plaid shirt over my shoulders, and began buttoning it up. I was just reaching the top button, when I decided to leave it undone.

"Show off a little bit of that chest." I muttered to myself, as I pulled at the collar of the shirt. I reached across and grabbed ahold of my grey coloured jeans, and slipped them on. I ran my fingers through my hair, lifting the front into a surf wave kind of style, before I was satisfied with how I looked.

I doused myself in deodorant and aftershave, making sure that I didn't smell in the slightest, before grabbing my phone and wallet, and heading out of my apartment. I called for a cab, soon making my way over to Murr's new place.

When I arrived, I buzzed his number, the door soon being unlocked for me. I made my way up the stairs, finally reaching his front door. Taking a deep breath, I slowly held my fist up to the door, before knocking gently. There was a short moment of silence, before Murray opened up the door. He greeted me, and pulled me into a hug, before letting me through. By the time I had gotten there, the party was already buzzing. There were so many people crowded into his living room, which made me feel slightly uncomfortable, so I headed for the kitchen. I was looking down at the ground as I entered, immediately looking up as I heard a cheer.

"Sal! Man, I've missed you!" Brian called out, as he stepped over to me and gave me a hug. He seemed pretty drunk already, no surprises there. Joe then came up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Sal! How've you been?" He asked, his question sounding sincere and meaningful. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

"Eh, you know. College this, and college that." I replied. Joe and I conversed for a while, catching up on the five or so years we had spent apart.

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