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        No one really knew that Sam constantly texted and visited Stiles to check up on him and what he was doing.  See stiles knew he was related to Sam the day Jackson disappeared because he heard his father whispering to Melissa that stiles needs to know that he was adopted that he has a family that could love him better. That one day John Winchester and his two sons will come looking for him. That is biological mother put him up for adoption without even talking to john.. Stiles was hurt on top of losing the biggest dick he loved Jackson he found out he wasn't related to anyone who was close to him. Was all he had was a last name to go off of Winchester... It stuck to him like flies on the back of a horse. When a few weeks of searching for Jackson and researching for the Winchesters past Stiles gave up. Sitting in a coffee shop a few towns away from Beacon hills was were stiles met Sam for the first time.

    Driving Dean pulls up to a hotel getting a room to hold all five of them. Dean carries the still passed out stiles into the room with him and Cass. While Sam and Jackson stays in the lobby to talk.

"How did you know Jackson?"
"Know what?"  
"About Stiles being related to us?"
" Easy i followed you once and heard your conversation with him about y'all be related. plus you guys smell close to the same. And every family who are related smells the same if not the same really close. Like you smell like strong scent oak,  honey and a faint scent of blood, While dean smells like a faint scent of oak, honey, and a large amount of blood compared to yours. And stiles well stiles has a strong scent of honey and oak with a small very faint scent of blood."
"How. Really?"
" yeah sorry." after saying sorry Jackson's eyes turned blue as he glared at the stairs hearing a faint scream of Stiles and he murmurs "Stiles is awake. Now."

        Stiles started to wake up in the hotel room. Stiles knew nothing of what Dean looked like but knew dean was his brother. " W where am I?" stiles looked around only to hear the shower running and a man staring him down. "Oh your awake. I don't know what to do." Cass walked into the bathroom and got Dean. They walked out together Dean in a towel that hung over his hips dripping wet hair with droplets of water all over his chest. " Ah so you are awake Stiles?" stiles froze that screamed really loud. "Need me to knock him out Dean?" Cass spoke into Deans ear. "No no no don't touch me get away." stiles moved to the corner of the room as he heard the door open. "Dean what are you wearing you are going to scare the poor boy." Sam said walking in the room. Stiles knew that voice very well but it was to good to be true. "Sam?" stiles looked up timidly not seeing Jackson standing off in the corner. Sam smiled at him. Stiles ran up and hugged him and yelled in his ear. " HE THREATENED TO KNOCK ME OUT!"

      Sam chuckled and hugged Stiles. "Wait why am I here? I thought I died. Wait.." Stiles glanced at the door and saw a figure. "J j Jackson. " he murmured as he looked up seeing the man after three years stiles is now 19 and Jackson is 20. Wow Jackson has gotten huge.. Pft werewolf powers probably helped with that. Stiles thought as he backed away from Sam.

      "Well first of all you aren't dead.  Second I already assume you know Sam how I don't know. Third I am Dean your Eldest brother so you don't try to run away and kill me with your ear piercing scream again. Fourth this creep who threatened to knock you out is Cass who happens to be an angel. Fifth I bet you are wondering why Jackson is here well he is a hunter with us so he can make up for hurting someone he had feelings for by leaving."  Dean spoke to Stiles looking dead at him. " Well mostly I was wondering when you are going to get dressed but thanks for clearing the air." stiles spoke sarcastically

          Stiles got up and walks up to Jackson looking up at his face taking in every detail that wasn't there last time he saw him. "Yes?" Jackson said looking down at him seeing all the many bruise on his shoulder and neck since his hoodie is on the chair since he broke out in a cold sweet in the car. "I I M....." stiles trailed off as he saw where Jackson was looking knowing he wasn't listening to him. Stiles sighed and turned away and started to walk away only to be stopped by Jackson's large hand gripping his lower arm pulling his back into his chest and hugging him murmuring in his ear. "You will talk to me about all this when we are alone. I don't care how long it takes those are hand prints." he semi-Growls causing stiles to shiver in his grasp as he nodded. "Good." he says with a sigh and releases the boy. "I missed you" stiles murmured in a low grunt walking away.

       Sam and Dean watches the scene play out in front of them. All confused. "I am tired." Stiles spoke and dean and Sam grinned. " Your room is over there but you are sharing it with Jackson tonight." Dean spoke winking at Jackson. " Fineeeee." stiles groans walking into the room falling onto the first bed..

     Jackson walked up behind dean and murmured "What is your plan?" "oh I have no plan." the four of them chuckled as Sam sat on his computer on the bed he claimed. Dean jumped into the bed falling asleep as Cass sat in the chair.  Jackson walked into the back room and sat on the second bed taking his jacket and shirt off laying down. He glanced over to see stiles teary face as he looked up at the ceiling. He could tell the boy was afraid. "Stiles... Is there anything I can do?" "I am afraid to be alone with everything that has happened. I don't even think I will be able to sleep Jackson." his voice getting smaller and smaller with every word. Jackson heard enough of sadness and cracking in his voice he got up and walked into stiles bed and got in pulling stiles into his chest. " I am here just like old times when I was 17... Just close your eyes and fall asleep. I am here I won't let anyone hurt you again. I promise."  Jackson rubbed stiles back and held him until they fell asleep.

    A little bit of a back ground....
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