a broken heart

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My heart was broken today it hurt and I cried some may think its stupid but it hurt so so badly it all started  when I met him it was a cold morning around seven thirty  he was beautiful he had long blonde hair and tan skin he was skinny and a bit shorter than me he wore glasses and had beauty marks around his eyes I was entranced he walked up to me and shook my hand he was surprisingly warm and nice you see I was bullied most of my life and I grew use to it but never to the kindness  after that I'd see him in the mornings a hello and a wave we would sit next to eachother and he'd show me stuff and talk to me I was never much of a talker though but he seemed fine with it and it made me happy  but suddenly after I was gone for a few days sick he seemed to change he didn't talk as much he would sit farther away and talk with the other kids  so I would put on my headphones and listen to music but I started feeling sadder and sadder so I asked if he would like to hang out he said sure at somepoint so I waited thinking he would pop up randomly and say that we could hang out but it never happened and the next time I asked he was rude he said he was a busy guy and he didn't want to talk or hangout really and my heart sank so at the time I decided to tell him I liked him  I understood that he was busy and decided to tell him I like him the next day when I'm at home it says that it has been seen but no answer and I got anxious how should I feel so I left it alone for a few days and when I was at school he acted nicer again and I started to fall all over again so after a while I sent him a message asking him if he would reply at least after I told him I oiked hime and the only answer I got was a what the fuck and a OK with a question mark and I was blocked so you know how heartbroken and confused I was staring at my phone with tears in my eyes asking myself what I did wrong maybe it was the doof word I said short for do of us wonder if he mistook the words I don't know all I know I here I sit writing about my broken heart the saddest thing is is that he may be a busy guy but he should never forget that I'm also a busy girl but I still wanted to make time to be with or around the person I like was that too much to ask for was a answer to much to ask for?

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