The First Death

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I wake up to a loud scream From the girls Dorm. My friend Rian wakes me up "Kyle wake up there has been a death "  i fall out of bed putting on a shirt. Rian runs out i follow we stumbel to the girls bathroom just to fiend it was Rians littel sisiter overed with blood with a slice acroos her neck with a bloody razor blade on the floor Rian fell to the floor crying but somthing did not seem right it looked like a strugel it was curved and not a clean staight cut The bitchy. French techer Mrs Mariam says yelling "Evryone out now ....NOW!!" i said that was Rians sister he and her close friends should be abel to. Mourn. She said rudely. "Fine Rian can stay and kyle you have to watch him and you will be getting detion for missing class
Rian u take as much time as you need evryone else GET OUT!" Rian continued to cry i looked for a suicide note there was none and i looked at her back it there was a stab wound Rian are you okay ??? " i asked hoping to help and he huged me tightly we walked slowly to the boys dorm we were both 15 but we liked to steal scotch from the princeabal Mrs Hensley he had a stash of it i gave him one flask but trew the rest away i knew he would drink his self. To death hour passed by i walked to detintion. When i saw Justin being draged away by cops

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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