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"Mom what if they're weird and stuff?" I asked my Mom in a concerned tone over the phone.

I was driving to my apartment here in Los Angeles which I was going to be sharing with some twins.

Cool, I guess. My Mom didn't give a specific description, only that they were my age. It made everything even more complicated.

"I'm sure Lisa wouldn't set you up with some weirdos for your first roommates Vanessa." My Mom laughed.

"Mom I barely know Lisa too! What the heck?" I ran my hand through my hair as I was stopped at a red light.

My new apartment was right around the corner.

"Just see how it goes, alright? You don't know what they're like yet. And you're out of luck if you don't like them because we're tight on money right now after paying for your flight over there and all of the new things we bought you, so a new apartment isn't in the question. So try to make it work. You're lucky you got a scholarship to the UCLA girl." My Mom laughed.

I sighed. This isn't a laughing matter!

"Alright Ma. Well I gotta go, tell dad and the boys I miss em. I love you." I responded with a frown even though she couldn't see.

"Alright Nessa. Love you, bye." She replied.


And with that I hung up and set my phone in the cup holder. I turned the corner and saw a modern yet subtle looking apartment complex. I assume that's where I'm staying for the next four years.

I'm a bit nervous; more about the possibility that they won't like me than I won't like them.

I pulled into the parking lot and turned off the engine. Grabbing my phone and getting out of the car I opened the back door and grabbed other things like my blanket and pillows and such.

The company that was supposed to deliver and set up my stuff should've came by already. I hope.

I locked my car and made my way. Towards that building. I hope they're girls or something. I've lived with boys all my life with my older brother and younger brother and Dad. Yeah I had Mom but the guys had more of an influence on me.

It would be nice to have some girl time instead of non stop sports. Not that I hate sports, I love all sports but some more girl time would be fun.

Without realising it, I was already heading up the elevator. I always easily pass time when I think about stuff.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out. Mom said Apartment C87 I think.

I passed a lot of doors.


My eyes looked over the door. I managed to hold the large blanket and pillow in one hand and raise the other to knock on the door.

I took in a deep breath before lightly knocking on the door. The wait was short before the door opened and a tall boy stood there. He had light brown hair that laid lazily on his forehead. What seemed as brown colored eyes in the dim light since it was getting late.

What the hell?! Mom didn't tell me they were guys? So much for hoping they weren't.

He had a angel wing earring on one ear and a ring on the other. His nose was almost similar to a button nose. His jawline was fairly defined.

"Um, you're tall." Was the first thing I said, gosh that was stupid. He was tall, well compared to my five foot two height alot of people are taller than me.

Every Kind of Way | E. DolanWhere stories live. Discover now