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Hi, I'm Daniel Marsh and I'm going to tell you about my videogame character Krystal.

OK,so my brother Oliver and I are making this fantasy video game. It is based a bit off of "Legend of Zelda" Its called "Journey In Donkeron" it is unfinished though. We're still kind of working on the process. Mostly some of the graphics and character designs for some upcoming characters but I'll just skip that.

    Anyways,so we created our main characters, Crona and his companion Krystal. Now she is a fairy. Not like the small ones though, the fairies we designed are about the same size as an elven creature. We honestly just love her design. She has long bright red hair, emerald green eyes with three black lines under them(which she inherited from her father Aster), pale skin and  a good body structure, and she wears a green leafy-like dress and dark brown boots. She was also developed with a nice personality. She seems like a sweet and somewhat innocent young lady, however she was pretty good at fighting. She was a decently lady with a strange obsession with flowers, and seems to know every single one in the land. Not to mention she's a bit careless. We got bored with her though and we killed her off...literally. So now, we are reviewing how the game is going.

 So far so good....wait, what the hell? Why is there a storm? And the clouds, w-why are they crimson?! You know what, it is probably a small bug. Alright things are normal again except it started glitching and flashing. The clouds are gray now as if it was going to rain. Eventually precipitation did fall. The rain kept glitching and flashing out of nowhere. The raindrops turned jet black. Some drops went faster then the other: some of the raindrops took about five seconds to get off of the screen while some others took about an hour. This is getting way to goddamn strange. Its just another error probably or maybe my brother was messing with the game so he would scare me later.  Alright now to the bridge! As we had our hero and his trusty sidekick were going a bunch of evil trolls came by trying to pick a fight. Krystal and Crona were quickly fighting them with the only things they had, themselves. The duo punched and kicked their way through, transforming them into golden coins. One troll was left and he trembled, apologizing to them and letting them pass the bridge. We finally got to the scene where we killed Krystal off.

 " Let me go!" We heard her screaming, struggling and kicking the first boss in his chest, whom was a colossal elven-like creature with cold blue eyes, those eyes just struck fear into hearts of many. " Calm down little fairy" He went on." ...your parents nor your friend is here to protect you..."

An atrocious grin slowly stitched up onto the villain's disgusting face as he unsparingly threw her against a cold stone wall Luckily, her wings weren't damaged by the impact of the throw. She hovered swiftly (though she was falling a bit off balance) to him, ready to attack but he punctured her stomach harshly with a spear. Her face showed an expression of utter terror and shock  and she stood there paralyzed there; the hero rushed towards them hearing a scream and was horrified to find his only friend die and he ran off, not looking back. The boss just laughed and laughed over and over. We don't understand why he's been laughing as if a record was skipping.. It just went on and on and on and I just can't comprehend why. ....Alright, it has been about ten minutes now. Why hasn't she faded away, like how we planned? This game is really starting to creep me out just a tiny bit more than before. Hey what just-!

S-she just suddenly collapsed to the floor violently. As she fell you could hear the loud, blood chilling crack of her bones. Her skin became a little darker and her hair went from bright red to a mahogany-red type of color. However, the most foreboding thing was what happened to her eyes. Her irises dilated, and her eyes turned as black as coal. The lines under her eyes looked only slightly thicker, but ran down her cheeks and onto the floor, resembling tears or even that red fluid we all have...blood. Out of the blue, the screen froze onto her body and even zooming in on her corpse with a phrase on the screen saying, "Why?".

Oliver turned the computer off. "What the hell just happened?" I shivered as I inquired. He could tell I was scared but, he just shrugged and left. That jerk! He didn't even bother to answer my question! Ugh, I swear he has no emotion at times. You know what whatever just WHATEVER. I gazed at the screen for a short few minutes, which felt more like ages to me.

The computer screen turned on again, I was officially disturbed when I saw the first boss. He was lying on the dirt, with his mouth spewing out green blood, twitching rapidly. It was absolutely disgusting because his body already looked as if it was decaying. His body was already bloating and I can just feel myself ready to throw up. I heard him moan painfully "You win. Take me out of my misery. PLEASE?! She has gotten overpowered...and she'll get to you too." After that came to halt, I shivered and felt the hairs on my arms and legs stand up. Unexpectedly, faint cries are filling the room. Too many faint cries, they became louder and louder and even more high pitched. Then those high pitched sounds turned into screeches. It just sounded so blood curdling! It sounds like HER. My eye twitched a bit as I found her sobbing and covering her new face.

Her still hiding her face she spoke.. "Why? Why would you just let me die?! Now I'll look like this for eternity! I trusted you. " My mind went blank and I soon saw her fly away. The screen blacked out then moved into some other scene.

Its the woods. A hand randomly appeared then the game zoomed and panned out, revealing that it was Krystal's hand. "I'm just some character aren't I?" Her facial expression was a mixture of concern and melancholy. "I just wanted you and I to be'll regret this..." Then the background music stopped playing and everything went as silent a mouse. Then somehow I saw a bunch of mirror images of myself except I had a gunshot wound in my forehead. They all simply whispered. "She trusted you.....she trusted you so much"

I took the game disc out and destroyed it. She was right though, a few months passed and I kept having dreams of her. Oh the torture...she just smiled her casual kind smile but she threw swords at me. She always aimed for my head, letting my blood ooze out of it. The endings always showed her smiling more of a psychotic smile and my body on the floor, twitching much like the first boss when he died. At the end of the dream she also always said" I told you you'd regret this" and she gives off a small innocent giggle and flies away in her new form.

What have I done...WHAT HAVE I DONE!? I created a monster....she trusted me...A VIDEOGAME CHARACTER TRUSTED ME...I didn't even remember programming her with feelings of friendship toward me! I can't....I CAN'T....I JUST CAN'T...I can't take this torture. I CANNOT TAKE ALL OF THIS TORTURE. I have so much overwhelming guilt...I DO REGRET THIS....why oh why? I need to end this....but how? STOP WITH THE NIGHTMARES! STOP WITH GIVING ME PARANOIA! JUST STOP... I went back to sleep and had one more nightmare......

I woke up. "Heheheheheh....! This living hell will be over today!!" I smiled as I took a pistol.

  I now have the gun...

  I put it to my forehead...

   I pull the tri- BANG!!

"You see Daniel I told you would regret it. You did deserve it! Goodbye Danny, at least you know why you saw those mirror images of yourself...and the glitches, and the dreams, and everything else. I still feel guilty though...maybe I'll just get over it."      

"Oh hello there! I'm so sorry that you stumbled on that bloody mess. Now don't tell anyone okay? I should go now and maybe just mess with Daniel's brother Oliver. Oh don't worry, he's in good hands as long as he promises to be my new best friend. If not, well heheh you know"     

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