June 11 '17

22 3 0

Suicide. A word that can change someone's life in a single instant. A word that unfortunately some people choose to use, as a way of escaping the pain; the hurt they feel. What makes someone feel so much pain, that the only way they feel they can get rid of it, is through suicide? More hurt people. 

Causing someone hurt, crushing their windpipe with just your words, is terrible. You aren't going to feel better by pushing someone to their breaking point, and taking advantage of their vulnerability. For a while, you might enjoy the control it gives you. You have the upper hand, because the other person is too afraid to fight. Doesn't it feel good to have that power? To know you can make someone feel worthless, in order for you to feel better? 

Well, I feel bad for you. I really do. That power is what destroys you from the inside. That feeling of knowing how you impacted someone else in such a negative way, will carry with you throughout your entire life. The sad thing is, you probably won't even notice until you've broken every person you meet. Until you finally decide that causing other people to choose suicide, is not okay. It's as simple as that. It's not okay. 

The world we live in is so screwed up anyway, without the need for bullies. Without the need for people to choose death over the torture they endure on a daily basis. We shouldn't be ignoring the tell-tale signs of a bully, or brushing off the change in mood of the person being bullied. We should be standing up for our classmates, or that person on the street being cornered. We are all people in this world, people who need to stick together. If we berate people and break them from the inside out, this world will never be truly ours. It will be full of hatred, and disgust. Do we really want to live in a world where no one feels truly safe, not even in their own home? Their supposed save haven that is now overcome with pure, heartbreaking pain. 

People who feel the urge to overdose on drugs, or slit their wrists and bleed out in a bathtub, I am now talking to you. The you who I don't want to see do any of those things. I want to see you live, just live. I want to see you live out your dreams, without anyone getting in your way. You are worth it, trust me when I tell you that. Not even that girl on the bus today can put you down, you know why? Because I know you can get through this. You may need some help, and that is okay. No one, I repeat NO ONE, should have to go through this alone. If you are being bullied, please seek help. Seek anything. Seek me, even. I am here to listen. I am here to be that shoulder to cry on, and I am here to love you as you should be loved. As I hope you are loved by someone you know, and not just some random girl on the internet. 

You are enough. You are beautiful. You are a powerful, strong young woman or man. You are a gorgeous human being, and I am glad you are alive. Please, stay alive. Please, fight and stand up for yourself. The bully you are facing, or the challenging you are trying to overcome, is not worth you losing your life for. You have so much to live for, and I know, I KNOW, you can do this. So, go to your mirror right now. Go ahead, I trust you to do this. Go to your mirror, and tell yourself that you are going to stay alive. That you are going to fight, and live for yourself from now on. That you are not going to let whatever is standing in your way, stand in your damn way any longer. That you are a strong independent person, and that you are loved. Go tell yourself that, because every single time you say it, you will start to believe it. It will become you, and once you let yourself back into the light, nothing can stop you. Nothing can break down your walls, or back you into a corner. You can be the ruler of your fate, of your life. In the words of Meredith Grey (Grey's fans, where you at?), fill the damn silence. 

Spread positivity, not hate. Always, always, always, always be true to yourself. Never let anyone dull your sparkle, or cause you internal pain. There are so many beautiful things in life, you just have to find them. And trust me, if you are looking hard enough, you can find them. I love you. 


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