Fantastic 2

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Fantastic: Sector II

Fantasy 11: Shinra Burger

Reno and Rude were happily walking towards a fast food place. They entered the cheerful colored building and took in the scent of the not nutritious yet extremely delicious junk food. Pictures of the Turks, ex-Turks, Soldiers and ex-Soldiers adorned the walls and there was a life size cardboard Rufus near the service counter. There was a plastic box attached to it as if he was holding it in front of him. In the box there were several little action figures.

Everything was well for the Turks though Reno wished for something exciting to happen. For him peace and quiet equaled boredom. As they approached the counter to buy their food Reno's whispered something in Rude's ear. "Don't forget to buy the you know what."

With a heavy sight and slightly shaking his head, Rude made the order. "Two orders of hamburgers with fries and large sodas and a... that thing" Rude felt a bit embarrassed.

The girl taking the orders looked at him confused. "What thing?" She wondered what he wanted. "A salad?"

"No I mean... that little toy thing," Rude replied quietly.

"Oh! You want to order a toy too!" The overly cheerful ninja girl spoke loud enough for everyone there to hear. She then looked around as if trying to find a child.

"No kids here. It's just that Rude loves those toys," Reno cheerfully said.

Rude laughed nervously and Yuffie smiled amused. They got their order and paid for it then went to sit down and eat. "Thank you Yuffie," Rude's voice held a clear hint of sarcasm.

Yuffie shrugged and continued her job with the next customer. She never thought she would be working for Shinra but at least Shinra Burger didn't suck the life out of the planet. Barret argued that it instead sucked the life out of the paying customers but what fast food place didn't? It was perfectly normal and the materia stealing business had been low so Yuffie took the job.

Once at a table Reno and Rude started eating. Curious so see what toy he got, Reno reached into the colorful little box and pulled out a tiny Vincent. "Look Rude! I got a Vincent action figure! Now I just need Sephiroth and I'll have all of them. That Sephiroth is hard to find. Maybe Yuffie has one. Do you think she'll trade it for a materia? A toy materia I mean." Reno had a few repeated materias so he won't mind trading. In fact he would even throw in a two for on deal since Sephiroth was the last one he needed to complete the collection.

"She probably will and next time buy your own toys," Rude replied.

"Aw c'mon it just doesn't go with my cool guy image." Reno had thought of a plan B in case Rude got tired of buying his toys. He thought it would be a good moment to show his partner that he sometimes did plan ahead. "I could just offer to baby-sit Marlene and Denzel and bring them here. Then I'll buy toys and everyone will think it's for them."

"You'll have to convince Tifa and Cloud to let you baby-sit first and besides wouldn't they want to keep the toys?" Rude asked.

"I'll buy three and say the third one is for some other kid they adopted who couldn't come that day," Reno grinned victoriously at his genius plan. The two Turks continued their meals until Reno noticed someone at a table near by. "Rude look! Vincent's here! What a coincidence that the day I get a Vincent toy the real Vincent happens to be here. He used to be a Turk you know."

"Yes, you have told me several times before," Rude reminded.

Suddenly a random girl pointed at Vincent and said. "Vincent is a vampire!" Everyone stopped eating to stare at him. He was one of the available action figures after all. He didn't exactly give his consent to that, but didn't do anything to stop Rufus either.

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