I immediately got a bunch of hate, which I laughed at because they were all pathetic attempts from my friends, Isabel and Hope. I went and checked Josh Hutcherson's page.

@JHutch1992: Thanks for all the support on @TheHungerGames! Jen and Liam were amazing, can't wait to work with them again. Traveling to Chicago to surprise some lucky fans on Halloween! Be there all October!

OH MY GOD! Josh Hutcherson was going to be in my city! For my whole birthday month! My official boyfriend was coming! Well, he will know he's my boyfriend when he meets me! His birthday was a day after mine and he was only two years older! I was hardcore fangirling right then.

I got off twitter and went on Facebook. My news feed was filled with status updates about One Direction coming to our school and the occasional boy saying how he loved his girlfriend but kill him because she wouldn't stop talking about ‘the boys’. I stopped when I saw an update from James Gaisford, my second boyfriend.

James Gaisford: In Chicago until the 15th! Seeing the sights, smelling the smells, and eating that Chicago pizza! Thanks for everyone's support in my videos for Finnick & Annie and The Second Quarter Quell! I don't know what I'll audition for, either young Haymitch or Finnick, but I AM going to audition! Wish me luck!

OH MY GOD! James Gaisford was going to be here too! If One Direction wasn't going to be here, I'd be the happiest person in the world!

I checked my profile, boring as usual.

Rhiannon Marie Ricci, 17. Chicago, Illinois. Birthday: October 11th. Relationship Status: Single

I sighed. My relationship status had been single for a very long time. I was single, if you didn't count my relationships with Josh Hutcherson and James Gaisford, which most people didn't. I wasn't hideous though, I had long, brown, curly hair, blue grey eyes, and a natural tan. I was very Italian.

I was about to log off when I saw that I had a notification.

Lauren Ramirez has posted on your wall.

Lauren Ramirez > Rhiannon Marie Ricci: Girl, don't be so mad about 1D coming! It's almost your 18th birthday, be happy! Didn't you see JHutch and James Gillespie are coming to Chicago?

I rolled my eyes at my friend’s stupidity and obliviousness.

Rhiannon Marie Ricci > Lauren Ramirez: 1D is killing my birthday! They suck! And his name is James GAISFORD!

My post immediately got several comments.

Fiona Finnegan: 1D does NOT suck! Niall is my special snowflake! JHutch and James Gaisford suck! They are ugly and horrible actors!

I angrily typed a reply.

Rhiannon Marie Ricci: I have my own opinion! JOSHUA RYAN HUTCHERSON AND JAMES GAISFORD DO NOT SUCK! Can't everyone just respect my opinion?

I changed my status.

Rhiannon Marie Ricci: Get a life! You're supposed to be my friend! Respect my opinion!

I logged off, not wanting to get into an argument over a silly boy band. I climbed up the stairs and entered my room, the door at the end of the hallway. I changed into my Hunger Games T-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. I jumped onto my bed, pushed my dog off my pillow, and closed my eyes...

I was in a waiting room. My stomach was huge. I was holding hands with Josh, and there was a huge engagement ring on my finger. My other hand was on my stomach and I felt horrible pain. I was quickly brought into a room, pushed in a wheelchair by two male nurses. Josh and my best friend followed behind, James. We were in the room and I was lying on the bed. There were three male nurses standing by me and two male doctors walked in. One was yelling "SUPERMAN" and put tape over his mouth. The other said, "I think you're ready to push!" Suddenly, I realized it was One Direction and they began singing That's What Makes You Beautiful. I started screaming and someone began shaking me and calling my name.


"Rhiannon? Honey, are you okay?" I looked up and saw my mom looking at me; she must really be going along with this ‘good mom’ act.

"I'm fine, just had a weird dream," I insisted, not wanting to explain everything to her.

"Okay, well start getting ready for school; it's a big day today!" My mom clapped her hands excitedly.

"Is it Friday?" I asked whilst rubbing my eyes.

"Happy 18th birthday Rhiannon!" she exclaimed before running out of my room.

In just a couple of hours, I would be going deaf from my friends screaming. At least it was my birthday and Josh and James were in Chicago. I was going downtown to shop this weekend anyway; maybe I would see them.....

Falling in One Directionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें