The Invite?

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Saeran laid in his bed, mint eyes starting at the ceiling. His mind traveling back to what had happened at school earlier. But he didnt know eh the accepted the offer. Out of spite or to make sure people knew how he suffered in this hell hole. That he had called a home.

Or just the idea of getting noticed by his blond haired angel. Either way the two options as to why he said yes, where selfish and he didn't know why he would make it like that.

~ Flashback ~

"Hi, I'm Rika" said the blonde haired girl. She seemed nice but behind that smile I saw something else. I couldn't describe it. And I wont even try. But she seemed so nice and friendly that I couldn't help but think of Yoosung and how they almost looked alike, other then the eyes, hair, body and cuteness. I'm sidetracking now and sh had noticed that.

"Saeran, I want you to join the mint eye club" she said after a long pause of silence. I starred wondering why she wanted me out of everyone else. Making me feel special for once, I looked away and thought about it.

"What do I get if I join" I muttered out looking back at her, to see she had a dark expression on her face. And now I knew why her smile looked off.

"To get revenge on everyone who ever hurt you.... Including the RFA" she Said in a way that made chill run up my body. I didnt even look at her but he didnt know what he wanted. Diverting his eyes from her green ones.

"You dont seem convinced.. I'll give you till this Sunday" she said with a cheerful expression. Taking his phone that had been in his hand. "Here I'll give you my number" Rika said and put a new contact on his phone.

He had time to think this over now, great.

~Flashback end~

The mysterious group mint eye. He had never heard of such a club in school. But the offer that girl named Rika offered made him want to join. Was it selfish of him to want to make everyone pay for what they did. Sighting the white haired male rolled over on my side to see his phone flashing.

Who had messaged him at this time. He sighted and shook his head sitting up. Looking around at the room that he had shared with his twin brother. The red head no where in sight he noticed the small little envelope on the other twins bed. Getting up to investigate the letter. He knew better then to snoop into someone else's things but he could help doing so.

Opening the small envelope seeing that it was already opened. His curiosity got the best of him as he pulled out the small paper within the envelope. The message wasn't at all pleasing to him, but he didn't care of it. A runaway letter by his brother, what cowardly things did he just do.

Leaving him in this hellhole. It wouldn't tale long till their mother came up. Blaming everything on him. He didnt ask for this, but why did he receive this. Looking around the room he once shared, he couldn't help but get into a small fit of rage. Ignoring everything around and he began to trash the place. At the end he found himself curled up on his bed tears almost spilling from his eyes.

Then a sound of ringing coming from his phone. He turned to see who it could be, relived to see the angels number flashing. Turning to go and answer the phone, smiling at the thought of hearing his voice.

This was his only light at the moment. A ray of hope shone to him when he meet the guy named Yoosung.

"Hey saeran...." Came a small and weak voice from the other side.

This didnt sound right, almost like he had been crying for the past hour. Feeling a sudden rage that someone had hurt him.

"What's wrong?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Have you heard or seen Saeyoung?" That small phrase made something snap in him.

"He ran away.." He said coldly towards the other. He knew something was off with him, and he finally found out.

"Wait wha-" he said but was interrupted by the Saeran.

"I have to go... Bye" he said hanging up. Going trough the contact list to find that girls phone number.

The only one who had spoken the truth. This whole time he assumed she was trying to help him. Take him away from the pains to come.

Ringing up the blonde girl, who he wanted to see and agree and get revenge. The line finally going trough as he put on an ear to ear grin.

"Rika... I want to make them suffer" he said with a small laugh coming from the other end.

"Then I shall see you later by the school gates" she said hanging up before anymore questions could be answered.

|| Ahh this took so long to publish! Sorry for the wait. Any who I have decided that this book will be updated on Saturdays. So the next update will be up by tommorow!

But this was short! And I'm sorry for that! I'll make up for it.

Distant Feeling[ Saeran x Yoosung ] ((old version))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora