"Megs!" I hear a voice say. Adam. He's the only one who calls me that so I know it's him.

I notice Sean tense up and Brent is waving towards someone behind me, as I'm turning around.

"Hey Adam," I smile as he walks up to my side and puts his arm on my shoulder.

"Are these guys giving you any trouble?" He teases with me.

I laugh, "No I was just saying hi to them because I haven't talked to them in a while."

"Okay good," he laughs, "let's go back with my friends." He slips his arm around my waist and pulls me away, as the bell rings for school to start.

"Oh well we can see them at lunch," he says, "I'd rather get some alone time with you anyways." He playfully smacks my ass.

"Hey!" I giggle.

We get to a brick column and I lean against it, as he sets his hand next to me leaning on it.

"Did you know I actually like when you call me 'Megs'?" I tell him, with a shy smile on my face.

"Oh you do Megs?" He teases me, "I'm glad because I love to call you that."

Before I can reply he leans down and kisses me. I can feel tingles throughout my whole body, but this time I'm not going to ignore them. I am dating him now, and I don't care what people think about me. I raise my hand to his cheek and kiss him back softly. It was a very gentle kiss.

"Get some Adam!" I hear a voice yell.

I draw back, but Adam reaches up and pulls my face back towards his.

"Just ignore them baby," he whispers before his lips touch mine again.

I can't believe how much I enjoy kissing Adam TrueBlood, the player of all players.

I kiss him once more before I pull away, "we have to get to class."

"No please I don't want to be away from you," Adam pouts.

"Adam," I frown, quickly pecking him on his pouting lips, "you're adorable."

His frown instantly turns into a smirk, "me? Adorable? God what have I gotten myself into with you."

"You know you love it," I tease as I grab his hand and pull him towards the entrance of the school building.

He doesn't reply, so I look back and he's smiling to himself. I smile. He has the cutest smile, especially when he smiles to himself and doesn't think I will see.

We walk hand in hand to my locker. I let go of his hand to put in my combination and get my stuff out of my locker.

"I'm going to walk you to class," Adam randomly says.

I smile shutting my locker door, locking the lock, "okay."

He wraps his arms around me quickly, before I can start walking, and engulfs me in a hug. I hug him back, digging my head into his chest and feeling his warmth. He smells so good.

Adam pulls away and gives me a quick kiss, and grabs my hand as we start walking.

"I love hugging you," I say quietly, feeling my cheeks slightly turn warm.

"Aww my little baby is blushing," Adam pinches my cheeks and I laugh pushing his hand away, "By the way, I love hugging you too Megs."

We reach my class and he hugs me one last time.

"Bye Megan I'll see you later," he smirks, "I told you I will find a way to see you again."

I smile brightly, "and I hope you do."

He walks off and I head into my class, and sit down in my normal seat.

From the moment I sit down to the moment I leave, I'm daydreaming about Adam.

I never would have thought I would be dating him, much less have him on my mind 24/7. This is crazy.

The bell rings for class to end and I gather my stuff. As I'm heading out the door, I feel someone grab my arm.

I instantly turn and pull my arm away. I look at who grabbed me, it was a guy with short brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Yes?" I say, harsher than I meant to.

"Oh um," he pauses looking at me.

This is weird. I turn to walk away when I hear him say something.

I turn back around, "what?"

"Um I just wanted to warn you about Adam," he quietly says, "he isn't the sweet guy you think he is." With that he takes off past me before I can say anything.

He isn't the sweet guy you think he is. That guys words replay in my mind.

What does he mean?


Its been forever and I'm so sorry about that, hope you remember my story tho.

I wonder what that random kid means, because to me Adam seems like a sweetheart.

My mind about him from the beginning has defiantly changed. What about yours?

Do you think the kid is right or do you think he's just saying things to mess up their relationship?





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