02 How it Started

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I do not own anything, just own my oc.


3 years ago~

"Ahhhh!!!! Another weird being appeared! Let's run away!"

"Kyaaaaaaaa!" "Its a monster!!!"
"My bag!" "Forget it, let's just run!"
"Miss, are you alright?!" "Let's carry her!"

As soon as the weird humanoid crab walk along the street, the people was strewn in chaos. Everyone, running for their lives from the crab monster. After all no one wants to die don't they?

"Blub blub blub blub lol, how pathetic."

Well except for one person.

"Blub blub blub blub. Aren't you going to run like the others?"

The black spiky haired man just stared at him with lifeless eyes.

"From what I can see, I'd say that your a newly employed salaryman."

"I am the great crabrante! And I look like this because I ate too many crabs that I went under a metamorphosis. But, You haven't started running. Do you want to die or something? Am I right or what?"

The man only continued to stare at him blankly.

"Yes, except for one thing. I'm not employed, I'm actually on a job hunt, this morning I just had a job interview but I got rejected. Now it feels like nothing matters anymore."

"I don't really feel like running now that the great crabrante appeared. So, what happens if I don't run away from you?"

The question hanged in the air and the crab just smiled creepily.

"I'll let you off this time as a fellow guy with lifeless eyes. Besides your not my prey."

The giant crab passed by him.

"I am after a brat with a cleft chin and when I see him I'm going to cut him to pieces blub blub blub blub lol."

The well dressed man just stared ahead and shrug, walking away as if nothing really happened.

"SAITAMAAAAAA-NIIIIIIII!!!!!" a girl at the age of 12 came running straight towards the man in an admittedly fast phase, her long black hair in two low pigtails trailing after her like a miasma of black fog.

The newly introduced Saitama just stared and prepared from the impending tackle hug he is going to receive from his beloved sister. The tackle hug came as expected, even if he braced himself they both toppled over the street in a heap.

"Oof." "Oh, sorry brother. I was just worried about you, the crab came this way right? Are you alright? Did it hurt you? I swear if he did I'm going to make him a crab soup then feed it to the-"

"Haku, breathe." He stated calmly, prepping himself up in a sitting position, his sister still hugging him.

'Man, I can't believe I just thought of dying earlier, who else would take care of her if I'm gone. I shouldn't be so selfish, Kaa-san entrusted her to me, she is my responsibility and only family after all.'

Saitama hugged his sister, patting her back in the process, calming her down.

"Don't worry nii-san is here, your not alone, didn't I promised that I won't leave you?" He softly whispered.




"Ahmmm... Can you get off of me now?" The girl didn't answer, just continued burying her face into his neck even further and tightening her hold.

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