The Doctor's Love Ep2

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Previously at The Doctor's Love Episode 1..............

Clair: Web its Clair do you remember me and Bella?
Sebastian: Oh yes I remember the both of you, where us Bella?
Clair: Oh she's over there!

Bella: Donna?
Donna: Hi Bella nice to see you again!

Bella: Hi everyone I'm doctor Bella and this is doctor Clair and we will going to have a tour at our hospital and we will tour you guys to our hospital, okay what is your name sir?
Sebastian: Bella it's me Sebastian!
Bella: Seb? 😯😔 nice to see you again Sebastian well anyway let's get started...............

Episode 2 The Doctor's Love

Sebastian: Wait before we start excuse us!
Donna: But Sebastian!
Clair: Um Donna let's give them a time to talk!

At the stairs...............

Sebastian: Bella wait, Bella!
Bella: Seb stop shouting!
Sebastian: Sorry!
Bella: Now what do you want what do you want to talk about!
Sebastian: Bella I just want to ask you!
Bella: What do you want to ask!
Sebastian: You said before that when we don't remember each other we have a sign then why do you don't recognize me before?
Bella: Because I forget all of our past!
Sebastian: And I want to ask you this questions, why do you leave me at Korea and went at Canada Québec without telling g me your plans and also without saying goodbye to me!
Bella: Because we don't have to talk anymore and I have no more time, if I don't get at Canada Québec maybe I'm dead now I need to go there for my surgery!
Sebastian: Then why didn't your mom tell me your plans?!
Bella: Because I tell her to not to tell you my plans, because I know you will not agree!
Sebastian: You know my opinion why do to you still do it?
Bella: Because when I don't do it I will die!
Sebastian: No I mean why don't you come back there at the Korea?
Bella: Because at the Canada Québec was a lot of memories for my mom that place was the place when my dad and my mom met and I want to make her happy but how can I do that of I'm with you, well anyway that was the past let's just forget the past and focus in the present okay past is past, present is present okay can you just be happy for what my desion is!
Sebastian: Sorry!
Bella: Now can we start the tour now?!
Sebastian: Okay!

As their conversation end Bella go back at the roof top and call Clair and Donna as they are going o the different rooms they are just focus in their work after they tour Sebastian and Donna they have a quick break...............

Bella: Okay guys let's have a quick break!
Edward: Bella!
Bella: Sir Ed!
Edward: Bella don't want be silly just call me Edward!
Bella: Okay Edward!
Edward: Can we have some dinner later?
Bella: Sure!
Edward: Okay see you I'll pick you at 10:00pm okay!
Bella: Okay!
Clair: Oh you'll having a dinner with Sir Ed!
Bella: Shh! Clair when someone hears you!
Clair: Sorry!

At the front of the hospital.........

Edward: Bella!
Bella: Oh your so early!
Edward: 😊😊😊😊

Bella and Edward was ridding at the car and Sebastian saw them...

Sebastian: Who is that bastard man he was to annoying for Bella!
Donna: Seb do you want a dinner?
Sebastian: Um sure!
Donna: Okay let's go to my car!

At the restaurant.................

Bella: Wow this foods are delicious!
Edward: Oh of course I know you will love it!
Donna: Oh look theirs Bella and Edward let's go and sit with them!
Sebastian: Oh no!
Donna: Hi guys!
Edward: Oh hi are you have some dinner to?
Donna: Yes this is Sebastian!
Edward: Nice to meet you Sebastian!
Bella: Oh come and sit with us!
Sebastian: Oh no thanks!
Donna: What no let's sit with them sit there, I'll be back!
Sebastian: Umm!
Edward: So Seb Clair told me that you and Bella met before when you too are high school, am I right?
Sebastian: Yes we are and she is my old best friend and we are very close to each other!
Edward: Tell me about your friendship!
Sebastian: Well we work as a team together and we share secrets!
Edward: Like what?
Sebastian: Like our life well her father died like that and her relatives never know that news!
Edward: Oh I see!
Bella: Well Ed excuse me I need to go to the comfort room!
Edward: Sure!

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