Sequestered from Society

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The next semester of college starts in a few days and I'm getting kind of bored and I am precisely ambivalent. I can't believe I'm already starting my second year there, and to remember at this exact moment last year I was literally going bonkers and worrying about anything and everything from being isolated to even food poisoning or that the train will derail. I was that paranoid, what will this year bring for me? Hopefully good news and that I get to study overseas but to where?

As a high school student I dreamed to aim high: Get to UCLA, or Yale or UPenn or even Harvard or perhaps a great social school like UMichigan, SDSU and perhaps major in Pre-Med or Biology. I guess that's what you get when you have a mother who got a PhD and a father whom also got a PhD as well but was more of going out. I mean my grades were more than enough with my final GPA before leaving was 4.5 and my SAT Score was 2050 and my ACT score being 34. I also participated in those school clubs like Journalism club, Key Club and whatever and volunteered every week or so. Hell, I even played music.  People kept calling me "The Complete Package" because I managed to balance academic and extracurricular commitments. You could say I'm a super-human, you could say I'm arrogant or whatever but even to me I don't know how I got those score or even manage to commit to things. But, since I moved right before the middle of my junior year, my academic aspirations where pitifully thrown out of the building. Flash to my actual final high school years and I had to do junior year again mid semester because of the timespan of how Australia structures its education calendar.

It was in an extremely different setting and I felt like I was deprived, high school in Australia in a sense does not give you opportunities to commit to extracurricular activities and rather has more of a "study hard, turn up to school and find your own extracurricular thing" motion. Furthermore, junior grade didn't matter over here it was just there to pass. Really, seniors is when you start doing state exams and shit. Like you're not going up against your school but against the whole state in that subject.

Because of that, I didn't know what to do, I tried getting my friends to go out to concerts, or just to hang out or HELL even to study but they seemed so antisocial they just were like "No Julian I don't want to go out" or a blunt no. So instead of moping, I started the studying like how I did back in the good old US of A without the social part. What resulted from that in the junior year was unexpected results. I got lower standards, I mean I just barely managed to scrape pass the English and Sciences exams.

So, I decided to give it my all in seniors (which was also the time you apply for college) and on the first tests for my subjects, I got an A which I was satisfied with. As the year went by, my A's became A+ and the odd B+ and it was consistent.


I got an overall ranking score of 94/99.95 and nearly perfect marks in English at 45/50 and a 40/50 in Mathematics. Don't ask why it's not out of 100 please.

So the question now is, did I get into a good college? I sure did, the state's quasi-ivy or apparent best. The University of Melbourne. I think it's overrated to be honest but still it had a good enough structure I liked. Alas I go back to my point of being a second year student, I don't know what my major or even majors will be.... Maybe I'll major in Criminology? Who the fuck knows. And as for social? I've made alot of damn friends to the point that I even have a girlfriend, yeah me a girlfriend. Speaking of friends, I realized I was scheduled to meet someone soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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