Chapter 11

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We head to the other side of the lunchroom, passing by the food being handed out. I can still feel his eyes on me, but I didn't have time to deal with him. I stare at the food, the sight brining back my hunger.

Rose looks down at me, "Want to grab a bite to eat?" My stomach says hell yes, but I force out a no. She still grabs two rolls from a basket by the door, handing one to me. I smile slightly to her when taking it. The crust crunching slightly in my grip and I rip a piece off, letting its warmth burst in my mouth.

Twindle holds the door open for us with one hand, but I take it from him so he can run through. Coming back to my said, holding my hand, like my brother would.

My gaze looks to a small red light by the ceiling, security cameras. "You have security cameras?"

Rose looks up slightly at the small black lens. "Yes. They are all over this place. Easy was to track an enemy attack, and also catch little run away children." Rose smiles down at Twindle.

"That was one time, plus I was playing tag."

"With the guards who were not aware of such a thing." Rose counters him.

I hide my laugh as Twindle and Rose glare at each other, a small war coming on between them. If there are cameras seeing to everyone's movements it's going to be a lot harder to escape. But I had to find a way, somehow.

Rose explains more of the levels, the fourth is a training room for soldiers. The fifth is for workers which is really where the women, children and elders go. The six holds supplies such a weapons and food, the seventh is off limits and only for those who have clearance. Which was not me. The second is just extra, mostly where the children run around and play amount the pillars. And when tamed they are taught there. But it is mostly left alone because soldiers go there to get ready for war, just before leaving the safety of the building.

Rose looks down at the watch upon her wrist, "It's getting late. We should find you a place to sleep."

Twindle grips my hand tighter, looking if he is about to jump off of the walls. "She can stay with me, please, please Rose." His eyes wide and begging he was.

Rose hums and thinks, but she was already going so say ok. "Can you be a little solider and watch over her?" She winks at me.

He becomes stiff, holding back his excitement. "Yes mam, I'll make sure she stays in line."

Me and Rose both laugh, letting him be the strong boy he is. The dog Max running not far in front of us. His small paws taping on the concrete, tail whooshing behind him.

"Then you can give her the run down in the morning." Rose sounds like she is being a leader to him. But Twindle just nods, ready to be at my side at all times. Like he wasn't already doing that now.

"Come on Eira, let's go." He looks to the dog. "Lead to way Max." And the dog follows his orders, bolting down the way, its scampering feet becoming more distant. Twindle pulls on my hand, down the hallway we go, closer to the place he is taking me. Rose is not far behind, smiling at his excitement. Guess he hasn't had a roommate in a while.

The dog looms ahead, standing in front of a door labeled 2TC, like it was painted there. It is the only room labeled down this way. "Here we are, a place I call home." He opens the door slowly, hands sweeping over the sight.

I enter slowly as he pushes me in the rest of the way. It carries two small cots, lined with sheets of white and a blue blanket at the feet. On the left side, there are pictures, drawings of what seem to be angels and what I can make out a picture, an actual scene of two boys side by side. I can't see the photo clearly, but I know one of the boys is Twindle, the other I cannot make out, the shadows reaching across it block out the face.

The dog jumps onto the cot below, sniffing around and spin, till it finds a good place to sit. Tilting its head to the side, gazing at us, looking as if it were smiling.

Rose leans in the doorway watching as I take in the room. "Your bunk is there." She points to the cot to the right, so dull it looked compared to Twindles. But I sit down on it slowly, its springs creaking below my weight. It would work.

"Twindle make sure she good and all, tell her all she needs to now." He nods in response, smiling over at me. Rose turns to leave but doubles back, eyes on me. "Almost forgot, these are for you." She tosses the side pouch holding my daggers, I catch them quickly, securing them around my waist. Right where they belong. "Thank you." A sign of respect it was, to give a stranger her weapons back.

Rose nods and leaves, "Sweet dreams." Her voice trails down the hall.

Twindle brings my attention back to him, "Lights go out in a few minutes so get comfy. Work starts at dawn so get some sleep, you will need it." He smiles before petting Max and securing him in the crescent shape of his curled body. "Good night Eira."

"Good night Twindle, and Max." I lean back on the wall, my legs pulled up and onto the bed, letting my forearms rest on my knees. I don't sleep, not because I don't want to but I can't. Not without the comfort of my brother's scarf, left back at the place I was taken from. I really hope Asher has it, still wondering where he was. The one light giving me what sight I have left goes out in a snap, leaving me and the darkness to search through.

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