Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of a car alarm. I bolted up and quickly put on my shoes. Someone was here or headed my way. It sounded distant but it's better to be safe than sorry. I grabbed my knives and secured them on my waist, then grabbed my cloths and the scarf as I ran into the living room, grabbing my bag and shoved everything in there. I was still in the shorts and giant shirt, but they were dark colors so I wouldn't be seen easily. It was a little after dawn, I would have loved a few more hours of sleep but the amount I had would be enough.

I looked through the window in the front, there was no movement, but that didn't mean some one wasn't there. I decided to go out through the back, I shut the door behind me slowly. The air was chilly and cold enough that I could see my breath. Then a gunshot when off in the distance. I immediately dropped low, someone was here. I peered around the corner of the house. I got up and stayed close to the house. My hand hovered above my knives, stopping at the end of the house and got low again. Nothing yet, so I got up again and decided to run to the edge of the forest. I stopped behind a tree and peered around the corner. Still nothing, the streets were empty. I was about to step out when a few people ran through the streets. Fear showed on their faces, they were from that gang. I could see the bandanas. What could they be running from?

Then I heard it and the sudden whooshing of air made it even more real. I gripped the tree harder, the tips of my fingers hurt as the bark left splinter. My hand still by my knives but I felt frozen. Then emerging from the sky, the white wings that looked as if they could engulf you. A figure so big, it couldn't even be human. Its body so perfect it glistened in the light. I was full of shock and fear, my body had turned to stone just from the sight. Then it landed with a thud onto the ground, it stood tall and proud. It was the creatures that claimed this world to be theirs, it was the winged monsters that took my brother. It was an angel, not like the ones described in the bible but evil creatures. They served their creator of course, but they attacked the other thing created to live on this world that was described as imperfect, that was us humans.

My hands shook as I started as this angel, but it wasn't like I haven't seen an angel before. But they are more powerful, stronger. Nothing compared to us mere humans and plus they were sent down to kill us. They are the reason our world is corrupted, why we hid in the shadows full of fear. We are animals to them, ants from the sky that they are meant to control and kill.

The angel looked around, probably looking for the humans that just ran. His wings were white and they faded into a blue at the tips. Angels were known for their wings, each were a different color depending on their rank. But each angel had one thing in common and that was their blood. It was silvery and the sight of it was to be like the finest of silks. The angel's wings contracted closer to his body. His hair was golden blond like the sun, his eyes a dark blue, it almost looked black. I looked to his shoulder, sliver blood swept down it. He must have been the one who got shot. At his side a shining sword swung. I could suddenly hear screaming, human screams. The angel smiled suddenly. There were more, they must have found the people who shot at him.

Then suddenly his gaze came to the trees and stopped to what must have been me. My body turned into ice, and I squished myself up against the tree trunk. My heart was beating so fast, it felt as if it was out of my chest. I slowed my breathing. I shouldn't have stayed here this long, but I did and was, so I tried to stay as quiet as I could.

His cold dark eyes stayed on me, as if he were studying me. I needed to get one of my knives but I was too in shock to move. Then the angel took a step towards me. This is it, I would have to fight an angel. Well how hard could it be? Who am I kidding, they are like ten times stronger than me. He gaze didn't leave me, but I prayed that he would take me as some animal watching him. He was about to move once more when his gaze moved to down the street.

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