Shut Up and Let Me Finish

30 3 2

Round One:

Press the Receive Dice button to receive dice. Press Roll button to roll dice.

" Uh, okay." Grayson said hesitantly, as he leaned forward to press the button.

Suddenly two dice appeared in front of him.

" Woah." Everyone whispered in awe.

" Now, I press this one?" He asked the voice hesitantly.

" Well duh idiot." Johanna grumbled to herself.

" Johanna, can you shut up for at least 2 seconds? That would be great." Lila groaned.

Grayson pushed the roll button. The two dice flew up in the air and bounced onto the ground by Grayson's feet.

" Six!" The computer voice yelled.

" Jesus! Why you gotta be so loud?" Darius asked holding his ears.

So Grayson moved six squares ahead. He landed on a blank space.

The buttons appeared in front of Lila. She pressed the first one and the dice landed by her feet. She pressed the second button and the dice flew up and rolled.

" Twelve." The computer voice announced quieter.

" Thank you." Darius sighs.

Lila moved up 8 spaces, when she was stopped. Two words flashed in front of her,

Battle Time!

" What in the-"

Suddenly everything went white, as a game menu popped up in front of Lila.

The mystery man appeared next to the menu and the subtitles popped up in front of him

" This is the battle menu. You pick one game from the three choices to battle your friends in. One of these games is a 6 player game, another is a 1 vs 5, and the only one left is a 1 vs 1 game. If you win, you get a special item. If any of the others win, you get a straight trip backwards, depending on how many spaces you've traveled. Clear?"

" Uh, is this going to happen every time someone lands on this square?"

" No, it's completely random."

" Okay then. So now I pick a game?"

He nodded his head up and down.

" Oh, and another thing, you don't know which is which, so choose wisely."

" Well fartburgers." Lila huffed, moving her hands on her hips.

She moved her hands over the games

Island Punch

Hide and Find

Pizza Peril

" Who named these games? They sound like a ripoff of a Nintendo game or something."

She stood there in thought for about 5 minutes, when she decided to pick Pizza Peril.

Pick your opponent!
The robotic voice came over the intercom, as pictures of everyone came on the menu. Underneath everyone's pictures, there was a box with a question mark on it. Lila decided on that option.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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