Scared In The Forest

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The pounding of feet with the mixture of my heavy breathes. Thats all I could hear. Just me and Tobias. Or maybe it was guards I could hear as well.

We ran through the forest, weaving our way through the trees. Sometimes I would lose sight of Tobias as he ducked behind a tree, only to come back in my view a few minutes later.

Trees and bushes scratching at us. The damp earth under our feet.

Me and Tobias had run from the kind about five moons ago. He wanted us killed because of the power we possessed. It was fear that drove him to kill us. Fear of us taking over.

My mother had taught us to control our power. Drain it if it got to strong.

Me and Tobias had both felt the pain of it getting to strong.

I was Ten moons when Tobias went through it. My older brother fell to the floor screaming in pain. He was sixteen moons, full grown and extremely strong. It scared me when I saw the tears on his face. I had felt it less then a year later. Shortly after that me and Tobias, along with Kuro, had to run. We are still running, five moons later.

Tobias stopped for a second and turned to face him. He nodded and I stopped running, coming to a stop in front of him. "We lost them." Tobias's voice was deep from growing older and stronger.

"Maybe we should head to Clompada." I commented, locking my blue eyes with his. "We might be safer there."

Tobias nodded slowly. "Namara guards might follow but we would be safer."

"So we'll head there tomorrow?" I searched his eyes for any sign of emotion.

"Tomorrow," he answered. "We'll head there tomorrow." Tobias looked down at me, his facial features turning soft and kissed the top of my head. "I love you Kitty."

"I love you too Tobias." I pulled away from him and searched the surrounding woods. "We have to keep an eye out for Kuro. We can't leave him here."


Kuro had run with us from Namara until we got separated after a group of guards found us.

Me and Kuro had been friends since childhood. Best friends for that matter. We were inseparable. So when he found out I was leaving. He was leaving too. Kuro is eighteen moons now. A couple moons older then me. I dont know what I would do if he would have stayed in Namara.

"Try to find some water or maybe some food. Just keep an eye out for Kuro." Tobias took off toward the West, without waiting for a response.

I set off in a sprint, toward the East. All I had to do was give a shout and Tobias would be by my side again. We were all safe that way.

The forest was a nice place to be. If you're not being hunted that is. If you listened carefully you could hear all the different animals. Deer, fox and sometimes frog.

A twig snapped to my left and I immediately froze, turning to see if anyone was there.

My white ears twitched, trying to catch any sound but there was nothing.

I took a couple steps forward before it happened again. Of course this time I knew it wasn't nothing. "Tobias? Kuro?" I searched the woods for any of the boy's faces.

My attention was diverted to a piece of fabric hanging off of one of the trees. I went toward it and looked at it closely.

A piece of navy blue cloth. Like the ones Kuro used. He must be close by.

I turned around again and called out softly. "Kuro?"

Out of nowhere I was fixed to the ground from behind. "Tobias!" I yelled trying to gain his attention where ever he was.

"Stay down!" The person from behind me commanded. His voice sounded some what familiar.

I tilted my head behind me, trying to get a look at him. Then my nose caught his sent. It was Kuro.

I rolled onto my back and faced him, a smirk on his face.

"You scared me!" I scolded as he helped me up.

"I know. If the guards didn't know we were here they sure do now." He joked.

Kuros black hair was a cute kind of messy. His green eyes bright and alert.

"Tobias probably heard. He'll be here any moment now." I said turning around and facing a panting Tobias.

"What happened?" He asked, looking concerned. "I heard you scream."

"Oh nothing. Just Kuro being a jerk." I said punching his arm lightly.

Tobias stood up straight and looked between us. "We need to find some food and water."

I nodded before heading into the woods. "Maybe some deer?"

"That would be nice." Kuro said following with Tobias.

"Deer it is." I replied. And deer they would get.


Thank you so much to AwkwardlyShae_ for the amazing cover! Can't thank you enough.

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