Chapter Five

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We stood there for a minute trying to catch a grip of reality.

"What-What as that for?" I asked him.

"Um..." He saod curling his lips into a smile. "I have no clue but I'm glad o did It." He laughed.

"You wanna know somethig?" I asked, he nodded in anticipation. "I'm glad you did too." We were still standing with our arms around each other.

My dad calles us into the other room.

"Just give us thirty seconds!" I called back. I kissed David again.

"One." Dad said.

"Two!" Next Bille.

"Three." They said together.

"Okay, Okay!" I yelles back, laughing.

David and I walked back into the living room. Billie gave us this look as if she knew what we were doing. She began wiggling her eyebrows, then my dad caught on.

"I hope I wasn't interupting anything." He laughed giving the same look as Billie.

"It's obvious you did considering the fact that David has lipstick on now and he didn't before." She laughed. I looked over an she was absolutly right. David began blushing hard core.

"I'm gonna go get pizza, Melissa you are coming with me." She said grabbing her car keys, standing up, and pulking me along by my arm.

"I don't have a choice do I?" I laughed.

"Nope!" She said popping the 'p'.

Holy Crap! I actually managed to update! I've been crazy busy with school. In my group I seem to be the only one who cares about getting good grades :/

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