Keem: you a good mother

Me: thank you

Keem: you gonna be the mother of my child one day

Me: maybe

Keem: its no maybe , its a yes

Me: boya

He started laughing.

Me: im not ready for another child yet

Keem: not right now , at least when she get like 2 or something like that

Me: i will think about it

Keem: Kai you want another sister or brother

Kai looked at him. His mouth was full.

Me: dont ask him that

Kai: no

Keem: why

Kai: mommy and daddy baby

Keem: no how about me and ya mommy baby

I hit Rye'Keem on his back.

Kai: no

Keem: ight fuck it

Me: dont fucking cuss at my son

Keem: im sorry baby

He had kissed my cheek. I then got up and put Nia back in the rocker. I sat back down. Rye'Keem put his arm around me. He was feeling all over me but i kept moving his hands.

Keem: you keep moving my hand

Me: because i dont like to be felt on

Keem: why

Me: i just dont

Keem: ight

We was just sitting there watching tv. Rye'Keem phone started ringing again. His phone ring to fucking much. He answered it. I was watching tv. He then got off thr phone.

Keem: damn

I looked at him.

Me: whats wrong

Keem: i gotta go to Baltimore for my basketball game

Me: whats wrong with that

Keem: are you gonna go with me

Me: i dont know , how long you gonna be

Keem: its a week there and then we come back

Me: o i will think about it

Keem: i really want you to go

Me: i will let you know

Keem: ight , just let me know so i can get ya plane ticket

Me: ight

I dont know if i wanna go or not.

Me: when exactly do you go

Keem: in 2 weeks

Me: o i really cant go

Keem: why

Me: Kai start school

Keem: o ok maybe next time

Me: yea

We was just talking and then his fucking phone rung again. Im about to throw his shit out the window. He answered but this time he went outside. I got on instagram and was scrolling down. I refreshed the page and then i saw a picture of Deontay and his girl. She was leaning on him while he was playing the game. The caption said "Me and bae at the crib , chilling or whatever!" She had emojis with it. I just kept scrolling.

Thug or Love (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now