Chapter Four - Downhill

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June 14, 2004
Chris hasn't been the same since Ted moved out. His eyes didn't have the optimistic glow in them anymore, his mood was changing dramatically. He was easily bothered, very sensitive, and most noticeably, more depressed. 'I wish I didn't feel this way, I'm becoming a bad influence...' Chris tries and tries to change how he was acting, but it was almost impossible. Every day he ends up in tears due to something that shouldn't even upset him. His thoughts were always full of either sadness or Ted. He decided to try and text him, hoping to get a response.
[Chris]: Hey Ted, it's Chris, I really miss's not the same without you here. How are you?
Chris waits, and waits...and waits. No response. He didn't even leave him on read. His eyes start to water. 'Did I do something!? What happened, I KNOW he's suicidal, did he- no that can't be what happened. It's possible, though...' Chris stares at his phone, trembling. 'H-he didn't...did he?'

[Oh my god I haven't updated in a while...well here's just something I wrote up.]

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