Chapter One

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Chapter 1

My eyes were budging out of my head as I read through the letter. I re-read the same paragraph about twenty times to make sure I wasn’t imagining it.

“Congratulations to Christine Fein for winning the ‘Magic Flavor Vacation’ sweepstakes! Your price consists of a 5-day/4-night stay at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL for you and one person of your choice. In addition, a Disney Princess Character dining experience, along with a Dine around the World at Epcot, and a Disney VIP Tour Guide for 8-hours! Lastly, as our treat for you, we proudly present you with a $5000 Disney Gift Card that can be used for anything in the park! Enjoy!”

“This can’t be happening!” I beamed. “This is actually real! I won and I can bring anyone!” There was no hesitation in my mind of who I was going to bring. I flew down the stairs and lunged for the phone. My clammy hands were shaking as I dialed the number. “Please pickup. Please, PLEASE; pickup.”

“Hello?” My grandma answered tiredly.

“GRAM!” I exclaimed. 

“Hi, Christine. How are you?” I was so excited about asking her if she’d come with me to Disney, that I didn’t realize she was talking.

“Gram, do you remember that ‘Disney Sweepstakes’ contest we entered a few months ago?”

“Yes, why do you ask?” She sounded uncertain.

“BECAUSE I WON!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “And I can take one other person and it’d be absolutely amazing if you came! We would have so much fun and-“ She cut me off.

“Wow, slow down! Are you serious? You won!?”

“Yes!” I beamed. I was literally so excited that I couldn’t stand-still. I was pacing around my circular dining room. I must’ve went around twenty times already. I suddenly paused; “Gram. Sorry… I didn’t think about this. I just like threw all this information at you. I don’t expect an answer right now.” There was silence for a minute. I glanced at the clock ‘4:08’. I had an idea. “Well… since you live nearby you could come over and we can discuss it if you want.” My happiness levels finally went down, and now I was nervous. Don’t ask me why though; I mean what was there to be nervous about? After what felt like a decade she chuckled.

“I’ll be over in a half hour?” She more questioned then stated.

“See you then!” I said before I hung up the phone and did a victory dance. Let’s see… it’s around four and my parents don’t get home until eight. I shrugged.

“WAIT!” I yelled. “Wait why am I yelling? I’m not talking to anyone… Eh, I think I circled my dining room one too many times. It’s almost dinnertime, so why don’t I order something for my grandma and me? My parents wouldn’t be home anyway. On the dining room table lay a book filled with lots of different numbers. I fumbled impatiently through the book until I got to ‘p’. “Pizza,” I mumbled. I kept one finger planted on the number next to ‘pizza’ as I reached for the house phone which conveniently wasn’t too far away. She said she was going to get here in a half hour, which would be around when the pizza was due to arrive; that works. Without hesitation I dialed the number.

“Hello. This is Bob’s pizza. Anne speaking, what would you like?”

“Hey, I’d like one plain cheese pizza pie to get delivered please.”

“Sure! Address?”

“4100 Penny Lane.”

“Alright, the pizza comes to be sixteen dollars, and it should get there in approximately a half hour. Thanks for ordering!”

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