Chapter 5: Notes and a Plan

Start from the beginning

Putting my first encounter with Erik Destler to words, let alone lyrics, was hard since it defied description. It titled the paper, or song, "Sapphire" and slipped it into the drawer in the vanity underneath a punch of clothes right next to my necklace. I'll just relax for the day I guess. I then started writing out a plan for real this time.

Third Person POV

In the office of the opera house, the new managers Andre and Firmin were discussing the disappearance of the new soprano.

Firmin speaks to himself, "Mystery after gala night
It says mystery of soprano's flight
Mystified all the papers say
We are mystified, we suspect foul play
Bad news on soprano's scene
First Carlotta now Christine
Still, at least, the seats get sold
Gossip's worth its weight in gold
Diva tenders resignation
Cover does a moonlight flit
Half your cast disappears but the crowd still cheers
To hell with Gluck and Handel
Have a scandal and you're sure to have a hit!"

Andre storms into the room with an envelope with a noticeable red skull wax seal on it.
"Damnable!" Andre interrupts Firmin
"Will they all walk out?
This is damnable!"

"Andre please don't shout!" Firmin shushes Andre,
"It's publicity!
And the take is vast
Free publicity!"

"But we have no cast!" Andre interrupted yet again.

"Andre, have you seen the queue?" Firmin asks,
"Ah, it seems you've got one too."

Andre begins to read.

"Dear Andre what a charming gala,
Christine was, in a word, sublime
We were hardly bereft when Carlotta left
On that note, the diva's a disaster, must you cast her when she's seasons past her prime!?!

Firmin reads his note as well.

"Dear, Firmin
Just a brief reminder
My salary has not been paid
Send it care of the ghost by return of post
No one likes a debtor so it's better if my orders are obeyed!"

Both managers start singing, and questioned who could've sent them those notes.

"Who would have the gall to send this?
Someone with a puerile brain."

"These are both signed O.G." Firmin observes.

"Who the hell is he?" Andre asks angrily.

They both realize at the same time.

"Opera Ghost!"

Firmin states, "It's nothing short of shocking."

"He is mocking our position!" Andre adds in frustration.

"In addition he wants money!" Firmin grumbles.

"What a funny apparition!" Andre yells sarcastically.

They both sing, "To expect a large retainer
Nothing plainer, he is clearly quite insane!"

At that instant, Raoul bursts into the room waving another one of the iconic envelopes.

"Where is she?" Raoul asks, practically shouting.

"You mean Carlotta?" Firmin asks.

A/N: Why did he think of Carlotta? Why would Raoul ask for Carlotta when he doesn't even like her? That was one thing I didn't understand with these managers. Okay I'll shut up and let you continue with the story.

"I mean Miss Daae
Where is she?" Raoul asks yet again.

"Well how should we know?" Andre fires back.

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