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          Hey, my name's Xavier Vean. I'm an average boy with an average life. I live in Maryland with my sister, Amanda. I am now in high school. My life was doing great until my discovery of my special talents. Why can't I have a normal life? Now, let's start with my story, shall we?

          I was walking in the city streets until I heard a scream. A girl maybe? I came to the source of the sound. It was in an alley, I peaked and saw three men surrounding a lady. "Hey!", I said, the shady men glanced to wear that voice came from and made eye contact with me. "Hey kid," said the first guy who looked very malnourished.  He had eye bags, he was really scrawny but when I looked at his right hand was a knife. The knife still focused on the lady, but he glared at me. "Scram!  I'm Owen, I'm the alpha wolf around these parts, and this is Bob," he pointed to the second biggest one, "And this is George," he pointed to the biggest one, he was bald, but boy did he have muscles. "And we're doing business here!", he finished. I thought of a plan. Should I leave the lady and have guilt? Or should I go fight them? Three against one, that did not sound good. But, I had no choice. I sprinted towards the scrawny one, but apparently,  they knew what I was thinking. He tried to stab me in my arm, but I miraculously evaded it and grabbed his wrist, twisted it, and his knife fell to the ground. He screamed in pain, I kicked him in the stomach and he backed away. He ran towards the knife, but I had a head start and got it first. "Woah woah woah, watch where you're pointing that thing kid.", Owen said. Of course, I didn't listen. I ran towards him, he did the same thing. When we were only a few feet away, I slided, now I was behind him and he was still facing back, I stood up and pointed the tip of the blade to his neck and he froze. "What now?" I said. He didn't reply, instead he raised one hand up and snapped his fingers. It took me a second to realize that it was a signal. I totally forgot about the other two, which were more muscular and bigger. I pinched his neck, and he fell to the ground, unconscious. The other two were running towards me in an incredible pace. I didn't know what to do now, part of me knew I was screwed, and the other half wanted to fight. I had no choice, I had to fight back. George's fist was going to hit my face until I jumped to the left, and kicked his head. How did I do that? I thought, but Bob was holding a baseball bat and he was running towards me. He swung his bat, but I dodged it by an inch, and I went between his legs, and pulled his legs so hard. He fell to the ground, and his baseball bat was beside him now. George started regaining consciousness. I grabbed Bob's baseball bat and got ready for George. He held a gun, a pistol. He was beside the lady and held her hostage. I had nothing to do. He ran away with the lady. I followed George and said, "Look George, I don't want anyone hurt, let her go, and we will live peacefully-","NO, this lady here has something we want.", I stared at the lady's blue eyes, I saw fear in her eyes. What could this innocent lady have? The knife, I forgot the knife, it was in my pocket, the handle sticking out so I can easily get it. George aimed at my forehead and said, "Look kid, if you wanna live, this is your last chance,  now leave." I had a millisecond-plan. "No." I replied. He shot the gun, I quickly retrieved the knife and deflected the bullet. George fell to the ground, blood spilling out from his chest. "You're welcome," I said to the lady. She snapped out from awe from what just happened, "Oh, t-thank you, h-how, did you do that?" Those words struck me, I really did not know how I did that, it was like another me. "I, absolutely do not know." The lady laughed, she looked pretty, seeing her smile. "What's your name anyways?" I asked, "Jane," she replied, "And you are?", she asked. "I'm Xavier,  nice to meet you." We shook hands.

And then I woke up to the voice of my younger sister, Amanda, calling me from downstairs. I was relieved, it was all a dream. I had sweat all over my face, I went to the bathroom,  took a bath, and changed my clothes for school, and went downstairs. "Happy birthday bro!", my sister said. I've totally forgot about my birthday, all week I've been waiting for this date, and I've forgotten. "Thanks!", I said, I rubbed my sister's hair and messed it up, I ate breakfast and went to school.

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