Toph had never cared about make up, it's not like she knew what it looked like, and she couldn't put it on without seeing what she was doing. She recognized shapes, but colors were unknown to her. That make-up substance was so thin when applied to the skin that she wouldn't really feel it, and thus she wouldn't know the difference between subtle matching colors, and a big colorful mess. "I can't really put it on." Besides, the one time she did wear make-up she was led to believe it didn't look good, though Katara tried to assure her it did.

"That's fine, if you buy some I can put it on for you, then you can get a friend to do it later, or your mother can do it," the make-up selling lady didn't know she had been taking the conversation from bad to worse.

Suddenly, Toph found herself comparing the make-up to a mask forced upon her by her parents, and she decided that make-up was just fine and dandy for the girls who chose to wear it of their own free will, but it was not meant for her. "I don't think it'll work out, thanks anyway." Toph started to walk away, followed by Zuko, who had been patiently waiting for Toph to decide if she wanted something from the booth or not.

The thought of buying something for Toph crossed his mind, as Zuko reflected on the unknown status of his relationship with Toph and how spontaneously he had asked her out and she agreed.

Desperate to make a sale, the woman called out to Toph again. "Don't you want to be beautiful?"

Toph stopped, she wasn't confident about her looks, she knew she had talent and brains, but when it came to beauty, how could she believe in something she could not see? "I..."

"I'm sure I have just the right products to work miracles for you!" The woman smiled at the prospect of a sale, but Toph frowned.

"Does that mean I need a miracle to look good?" The earth bender was upset.

"Well, I'm sure there's nothing that the right amount of make up can't solve..."

That was all Toph could take. She ran away into the crowds, and as she disappeared among them, a small earthquake concentrated only directly under the make up booth, shook it harshly, throwing the merchandise everywhere.

Zuko rushed after Toph, mentally kicking himself over and over for not saying anything when he should have. Toph had always been confident in his eyes, he didn't think she needed the extra support, and as much as he secretly wished to be her hero, he wasn't sure she would be okay with that.

He felt frustrated to have messed things up yet again, this time with lack of action rather than the wrong action, but he wasn't going to give up. Even if his entire life was made of messes and attempts to fix those messes, Zuko would keep on living. He would just have to think of a way to make things up to Toph and cheer her up.

xoxox xox xoxox

Eruption 21: The Scent of Love

Zuko searched for Toph in the crowds, but sadly he had lost track of her. He continued walking around the festival looking for her, until a pleasant scent reached him. He followed it to a small shop. It wasn't a booth for the festival, but an actual shop. The small but pleasant shop was adorned with flowers. Wooden shelves displayed a variety of glass bottles containing all kinds of perfumes.

Zuko remembered that Toph's senses were very acute. It was as if all her other senses were working harder and made up for the one she did not have. He imagined she would like a place like this, full of enjoyable scents.

"How may I help you, Li?" The shop keeper, a young girl with long dark hair and golden-brown eyes, asked.

For a moment Zuko was surprised at the name, but then realized that word must travel fast in the small town, and everyone probably already knew the avatar was in town with his group of travelers. They were probably already informed about the new members as well. "I was looking for someone," even if Toph was not there, there was a possibility that she might have visited the shop drawn by the scents. "Has Toph been here?" If the girl knew 'Li' then maybe she knew who Toph was as well.

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