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She knew exactly what to say. Even though she had know idea how to help.

She saw the cry for help in my eyes. Even though everybody else saw happiness.

She is the only one that tried to save me. Even though I didn't try with her.

She stayed for me. Even though she could have left.

She knows all my secrets and will never let them go. Even though she could.

She made me promise to say. Even though I doubt I can fulfill that promise.

I want to be like her.

The way she would drop everything to help you.

The way she smiles even though she's hurting.

The way she puts others before herself.

The way she is so strong.

The way she is beautiful, on the inside and out.

She is amazing.

She is kind.

She is made up entirely of flaws,

But she is perfect.

How can one be like this?

How can one understand.

Unless she is one of us.

Maybe she is one of us.

Maybe she's one that has survived.

If she did, I can too.

Can't I?

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