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"WOOHOO!" You yelled and flew around with Mai, Shin and Eiji. You had been like this all day all because of the season.


You could talk to the dead and take people's souls for fuck sake. Halloween was your thing. You could be the grim reaper! This was your holiday. UA were holding a fair before the holidays and every class had to do something Halloween related.
Everyone's immediate thought was haunted house but class B had had the news leaked to them and already took haunted house. This really upset you since its what you wanted. If a class needed help they were allowed to recruit someone from another class to help so they belonged to both their own class and the other class they were helping.

It wasn't break yet but Aizawa had gone to sleep during home room and told all of you to, and I quote, 'go out to stretch your legs or something'. You left and when you were walking you came across class B who were discussing their plans for the haunted house. You looked through a gap in their door and heard what they were saying.

"It's a good idea but it seems to plain, like, any other haunted house."
"Yeah but there's not much we can do about that unless we find something that could send us over the top." Without thinking you kicked the door open and yelled, "LET ME HELP!" Blood king, their teacher, looked at you and wanted to go hug you since he was the one who taught you biology when in the lab and also watched you grow up. He knew your quirk could help them but it was his class' decision.

"Who are you, may I ask?" Shiozaki asked politely.
"Oh, I'm (y/n) (l/n) from class A."
"Class A!" Monoma (my trash child) yelled and made a weird face. "Stupid show offs like you aren't welcome her- Ah!" He was knocked out by Kendou and dragged off.
"Wait, why do you want to help?"
"Because I wanted to do a haunted house and because Halloween is my thing! If there's any holiday that suits me the most it's Halloween!" You jumped about excitedly.
"How?" Tetsutetsu pondered.
"You'll never find someone closer to a real life grim reaper then me. My quirk is even called reaper! And if you let me then I'm pretty sure you'll have the first haunted house to ever have real ghosts in it."

They looked at you confused. "What do you mean 'real ghosts'?" Kendou asks as Monoma woke up.
"She means like us." Shin said and popped up next to her. She screamed and fell back when a chair moved by itself behind her. Everyone watched as Eiji exited it and grinned. "We wouldn't want you to fall, now would we beautiful."

Everyone stared at them dumbfounded and Tetsutetsu even put his arm though Shin to determine it. "What the?!"
"Don't mind my brothers." They all turned to see Mai floating around you. "They're just idiots."

The 3 gathered around you and Shin even hugged you. "It's been too long since we've properly talked (y/n)!" Eiji yelled. You smiled and everyone stared in confusion as you had a normal conversation with them, or at least normal to you. "How are things in the dead world?"
"Napoleon and Hitler are at it again." They all sighed and you just facepalmed. "They need to stop. They're both dead so get over it." You groan and Tetsutetsu went up to you. "Wait so you can call on the dead?!"
"That's one thing. I can see the dead too and make them visible like these 3. There are like 5 dead people just walking though here. One of them's a dog."
"So you can make ghosts so what!" Monoma yelled. "Everyone will think they're fake."
"Then how about this." You smirk and look at Shin.

He flew over and hooked the corners of his mouth. He pulled them back and his skeleton, up to his torso, came popping out and chattered. Monoma screamed like a girl and jumped into Tetsutetsu's arms, who was also screaming. "That suit your fancy?"
"AHH!" Shin yelled.
"Shin I think that's enough."

They all huddled up and you could hear whispers and mumbles before they turned back to you. "Ok you can help."
"But you're not aloud to help your own class cause Monoma's not gonna take that."
"You guys trying to steal our angle!?" Kirishima yelled and barged in.
"Calm down!" Hanta and Mina yelled. "If she want to help them then let her." Kirishima pouted and let you be when Katsuki burst in and grabbed your arm. "NO WAY! (Y/N) STAYING WITH US!!" He glared all of them down and you just got out of his grasp. "But I want to help."
"You're staying with us."
"No I'm not." You said plainly and walked over to class B.
"Katsuki, let it go." Hanta sighed.
"Fuck that! Even if she goes with them it won't make much difference to anything so what's the point!? We'll be able to make more money!"

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