Unknown Angel

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You stood in the rain, their lifeless bodies collapsed in front of you. Your Mum, Dad, and brother.


You loved him with all your heart and as soon as the wendigo tore his out, you were hit with the fierce and unrelenting realization that you were now alone.

You gasped for breath as your eyes flew open and you sat up underneath your grey cotton sheets. Your eyes adjusted quickly to the pitch darkness, and you looked around for him, Charlie. Tears stung your eyes as your vision blurred and you huddled your knees up to your face, reality sinking back when you remembered the room was empty. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to blink away tears and attempting to forget the reoccurring nightmare that'd been haunting you the past two weeks.

After a few minutes of tears and then waiting for them to dry, you turned to your bedside and switched on the dim light. The glow illuminated the cheap hotel room you were staying in with your new found family, the Winchesters. They had been on the hunt for the newest prophet when you arrived at their door under the advice of your "uncle" Bobby. He had sent you to the boys because he knew they would take care of you and give you as long as you needed to grieve and heal. He told you to try to escape the hunting life after that, but you couldn't. How were you supposed to survive when you knew of the terrible creatures that lurked in the shadows? With this logic, you had decided to stay with them, helping Sam and Dean with research and playing their backup.


A kind voice had disturbed you from your thoughts. You lifted your head towards the doorway and saw a hesitant Kevin standing there. A small smile instinctively crawled onto your lips at the sight of him.


"You alright? I heard you shuffling around from down the hall."

"I'm fine."

"You didn't sound fine. You want me to stay?"

You nodded, your heart beating a little bit faster at the thought of him staying with you for the night. He took a few steps and sunk into the bed beside you, switching off the light as you both got comfortable. You turned so your back was towards him and his arm fell over your waist, pulling you close. Your face went red instantly. Luckily he wasn't able to see.

The next morning you woke up alone and slightly cold. Kevin had gotten up probably hours before to get back to work on the tablet. Despite the situation, it stung a little to know that he left your side to do work for someone else. That's when you heard the chatter of four voices. Recognisably the Winchesters and Kevin, but the fourth voice was foreign to you. It was deep and husky, slightly concerned and a touch confused. You rose from the bed, curious, and headed out the door towards the kitchen where the conversation was in motion. You stood in the doorway and let out a small cough to announce your presence. You glanced between the stranger, the Winchesters and Kevin, waiting for someone to explain, when Dean finally spoke up.

"[Y/N], this is Castiel."

The unknown man took a confident step towards you and held out his hand for you to shake. You reached for it and as your fingers barely brushed against each other, he drew his hand back quickly. He stared at you with an expression of confusion that you no doubt mimicked. The room fell into a deafening silence for what felt like forever.

"May I talk to you in private miss [Y/N]?" Castiel queried.

"Sure." You agreed, utterly baffled.

He nodded surely and pulled you into the next room, offering you a seat on the nearest chair. You accepted it and stared up at him in anticipation.

"Are you aware of your true form?" He blurted, wasting no time for small talk.

"Excuse me? My true form?" Your heart began to race, and the ever growing confusion began to completely cloud your thoughts.

"Yes. Your angelic form."

Your eyes widened at his words. Angelic form? Was he implying you were an angel? No. Surely he wasn't. He must be joking. Although, this guy didn't seem to have the best sense of humor. You had a family! Parents, a brother. You stared at him like he was mad, still rendered speechless.

"I'm going to take that as a no."

A/N: I'm so sorry for being away for over a year! I started posting on Tumblr instead and completely forgot I had this waiting and I didn't realize people would be so keen for it. I'm sad to say this will be the last piece I will be posting here so if you want you can follow my Tumblr and read other stuff I have @angelbeandean.

Unknown angel (Kevin Tran x reader)Where stories live. Discover now