#7 A Night to Remember

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Author: beyondlocks

Status: Completed


Christian Hastington

For him if you date girls in your early 20s, it means that girl is only for decoration only not for a serious relationship. He never thinks that every girl that he dated was a real one until he went to his friend's birthday party and have a one night stand with someone that he never thought he will have that night together. 

Taylor Portwalt

Beautiful and talented, that's what she is. She loves to explore new things and that what makes her completely attractive. She promised herself when she turned 21, she will drink alcohol until she's completely drunk. She never thought that incident will lead into something else...by having a one accident night with her own childhood friend Christian Hastington.

"Stop saying about spending the night Christian! I never spend a night with you and you're crazy for saying that again and again." Taylor busted angrily. 

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Rates: 3.5/5 

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