You Again

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Ed's POV

She was stunning. Not just stunning, she was beautiful. But I let her slip from my fingertips, I was probably never going to see her again considering she hated Harry's guts.

Plus, I didn't even know the girl...

I was on my way to some restaurant I didn't even know the name of to meet my friend, Jamal. He said that it was 'around the corner from his house and is red'. I was way passed 'the corner' of his house and there wasn't anything red but a post box in sight. Thanks, Jamal.

My phone buzzed in my pocket making me jump and giggle like a girl at the same time.

Dude, you literally walked passed me!! Turn around!!

The text read and I spun around from where I was standing. Jamal was smoking a cigarette outside a BLACK building.

Steadily, I jogged towards him.

"What happened to 'round the corner from my house and is red'?" I questioned.

"Yeah, and it is." He threw his ciggie to the floor and stamped on it.

"It's way further than 'round the corner' and where's the red at?"

"Can you not see that strip of red right there." He pointed out a sliver of red. "And I thought you could do with the walk."

"Hey, I don't have a six pack, and I'm never gonna have a six pack, so I might as well stuff my face." I told him.

"Dude, you are a bit on the fat side." He poked my flab jokingly.

"Hey! We prefer the word 'chubby'." I said.

"Whatever Edwardo." He grinned and we entered the restaurant.

It was a pretty posh, elegant and sophisticated place.

"Why are we here?" I asked. "This place is way too snazzy for us."


"I said it so I thought I'd roll with it... not really feeling it though." I explained.

"Neither do I." He agreed and we sat down.

"You never answered my question though: what are we doing here?" I quizzed his strange behaviour.

"Do I have to have a reason to want to hang with my mate?"

"Pretty much, yeah." I nodded.

"I just thought we could spend some time together." He said.

"Dude, we sound like an old married couple. You thought we could 'spend some time together'?"

"Gosh Ed, fine. I have to tell you something... but just wait okay?" He looked dead serious.

"What? Jamal just tell me now." I ordered him.





"Ed I said no and I mean no. Now you going to order or what?" Jamal questioned.

"Yeah, wait." I looked down at the menu.

"Hi, I'm going to be your waitress for today." A lady said. Her voice sounded really familiar. "My name is Louise."

My head shot up in an instant. It was her again.

"Yoda!" I beamed.

"Excuse me?" She said then studied my face. "Ed!"

"I knew your name wasn't Yoda." I smirked.

Moments... (An Ed Sheeran fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang