The Little Fairy (cliche)

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 Once upon a time, there was a little fairy who was tinier than the rest of their classmates. In their school, a lot of fairies usually bullied and teased them for being so small. Crying alone, the tiny fairy's family didn't know and couldn't help them. No friends could help the little fairy either because they had no friends. At least, not until a new fairy transferred to their school.

"You're so small, " stated one of the older fairies, Rickey.

"Says you, Rickey. You're just as short!" Penelope told Rickey.

"Hey, don't compare me to that midget!" Rickey said, looking at Penelope.

"I'm not a midget!" the tiny fairy shouted.

"Shush, big people as talking," Penelope said tauntingly, causing the tiny fairy to get upset. "Well, at least you're taller than this midget Rick."

"Hey, quit being bullies you mushroom heads. Go do something productive with your lives instead of picking on someone smaller than you." a new student said while glaring at both of the surprised fairies.

"What'd you just say, new kid?" Rickey said, staring at the tall, shiny fairy.

"How dare you call me a mushroom head?! Rick, go beat them up!" Penelope screamed, making the tiny fairy back into a classroom for safety.

"Wow, making your boyfriend here fight for you?" the new fairy said, standing tall. "Just stop before one of you actually gets hurt."

"Stop? Hah!" Penelope laughed as Rick punched the tall fairy.

The tall fairy wobbled for a second and the tiny fairy shouted, "Stop! Don't hurt the new fairy!"

"Shut up!" Penelope said, walking towards the little fairy. The little fairy gulped and the new fairy kicked Rickey right in the private area. As Rickey recoiled in extreme pain, the tall fairy sprinted towards Penelope. Penelope started to run towards the tiny fairy.

Rickey groaned in response to her and the tall fairy stopped in front of Penelope. "Don't touch them," the tall fairy said.

Penelope punched the tall fairy and said, "New kid, I'm in charge around here so mind your own business and get lost."

The tall fairy put an arm to their newly bruised arm and slapped Penelope. "I won't allow you to bully my classmate like this, in charge or not."

Nearby students were around the four fairies at this point and gasped at the new kid's boldness. Whispers were thrown around the four and none of them cared. Rickey slowly got up and walked towards the tall kid. Penelope was about to kick the new kid when they moved out the way before that.

"And my name isn't New Kid. It's Sam," the bold student said. "Hey, Alex, was it? Let's get away from these pathetic losers who are bored with their lives."

"Huh?" the tiny fairy said before being dragged away from the bullies by Sam.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Penelope screamed at Sam before being scolded by the principal and getting suspended with Rickey.

"Are you alright?" asked Sam.

"Y-yeah. But what about you? We should go to the nurse!" the tiny fairy said.

"Hehe, these bruises will be gone soon anyways," Sam said, smiling at the little fairy. "How long were they bullying you for?"

"Since when I came into this school." the tiny fairy said, looking away from Sam.

"Alex, do your parents know?" Sam gasped.

"No." Alex replied softly.

"...Where are your friends? Shouldn't they at least know?" Sam gently said.

"I don't have any friends." Alex said, still looking away from Sam.

"What?!" Sam said loudly. "I'm sorry. I'll be your friend."

"Really?!" Alex said, turning around to face Sam.

"Yea. Though, I'm coming to your house today. Your parent need to know about this." Sam said, half smiling.

"Ok!" Alex said excitedly as the bell rang for class. "Thank you, Sam!"

After school, Sam went with Alex to Alex's house and they talked about the bullies. Alex's parents thanked Sam and after a few months, Sam and Alex became best friends forever. No fairies really bullied Alex anymore and life became happier for Alex.

The End.

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