Blue Prints And Clues

Start from the beginning

"are you Hester? " Aiden asks with Carl peeking over his shoulder from behind
" hey it's double jeopardy girl and the owner a fantastic blood island" Carl does air quotes over the last part
"we don't allow our guest to swim anymore... they paddle, what do you want? "
" is Brock here? "
" no, he has been gone since yesterday"
"well, we'll make dew with jeopardy here? " Carl says between laughs
" we need to dig up information on this place and Grace says your to help us"
"my sister is here? " she smiles widely," and needs my help? Anything "
Carl is about to say something but Hester cuts him off,
" call me jeopardy again and I'll have a little slip and murder you"
"a little slip? "
" you've never seen Seed of Chucky? " she opens the door for them to come in," and I grew up in an asylum. "

Grace, #3 and #5 walk up the rusty stairs,
" are you sure Zayday's not in a well lit room with scented candles and not the creepy part of this hospital? " #5 asks as they departed the stairs and were officially on the third floor
" shhhh, we wanna catch the killer by surprise" Grace replies
"and how do we do that with #5 here " #3 says
" none taken"
"I was trying to offend you"
"would you two be quiet! " Grace whispers angrily
" fine" both Chanels answer

"wow, you look different #8" Chanel says, "your face no longer sticks"
"yeah, I went to a real cure institute"
"where? "
" the one Zayday and Libby owns"
"whose Libby? " she laughs," oh"
"hi, I'm Carol " she puts out her hand to shake
" oh I don't shake, gotta watch out for the germs
"and I'm Rider" he says between laughs
"you guys can't congregate here" Kimmy says as she continues to text, they head out doors
"are we going to a casino? " Carol asks
" shut up Carol! " Chanel barks," God,I swear your giving me a migraine" she struts down the Vegas streets.

Kimmy hears the elevator ding,
"I thought it wasn't working. The crew men must have started early " she walks over to it, it opens. She walks in and it closes.
" dang it! What is if I get a message? " she presses the down key but the basement key lights up,
" no no no! " the elevator stops," fine, guess I'll have to walk, she steps out of the elevator just as it closes. Her skirt is caught in the door, "no!" the elevator begins to rise. The clown appears as the lights blink on and off, "hello?" Kimmy's voice peers through the darkness
A cling is heard from metal touching metal, the lights blink on again...
the clown stands directly infront of her,
"aaahhhhhhhh, aaaahhhh! " the clown swoops down his axe into her mouth taking the top off and causing some of her teeth to fall loose.

" turns out this hotel just recently reopened " Hester says as she flips through an envelope
" why did it close? " Aiden asks
" that's the thing, no one knows"
"we need to talk to the manager"
"I thought they were going to that Jack guy" Carl says, "the managers here are morons
" here's a photograph of a lady Chanel, Denise and I found, it must have something to do with these murders, and this suitcase"
"let's check her out online" Aiden replies as Hester hands him the photograph
He does some typing and ran her photo through a database,
"got it, turns out she went missing the same year this hotel closed down, but only one day after" Aiden looks at her, I feel like I know her from somewhere.
"that's probably because she's a twin, her sister has tons a videos on here" Aiden scrolls down further, "here's a recent one"
"she's still searching for her? " Hester asks," she's probably dead in a ditch somewhere"
"wait a second, Mom? " Aiden asks
" what! " Carl says looking from Aiden to the computer.

" I'm here to see my father" Dean Munsch says
"who? " the overweight woman whose name tag reads, 'Sarah Hardick'
" Ms. Hard-dick, your names funny" Denise says smiling
"how do you know she's a miss" Dean Munsch asks
"look at this bitch, ain't no body want her lazy ass"
"lady, your father has got to be 123 atleast"
"excuse me! My father is 91" Dean Munsch says looking her straight in the eyes, "Russell, John"
"our murderer, I see the connection, room 123" she chews her gum as she laughs, "just kidding, room 10" she closes the big book"
They walk off eyeing the doors of the empty old persons home,
"we close soon " she calla back Denise," tell your wife no crying"
"shut up you dumb hoe, she ain't my wife" she runs off.

They walk into the unlit room, Denise flips the switch,
"Kerry? " John asks
" uhm, yes? " Denise replies
John rolls his wheelchair from the window he was looking out of and goes over to Denise,
" I'm sorry I took your baby after you got hurt but they had to pay"
"I know honey, who had to pay? "
" that demonic hotel, when I went to call the hospital they took your body and I only found the baby there,


"Kerry?" Jack takes his baby from the bed and runs from the room.
After he runs out Kimmy and Dean the 1st run in,
"where did the baby go? " Kimmy asks
" I'm sure he didn't get up and walk out" Dean paces when he sees footprints leading out, "no but a 58 year old man could've taken him

" What was the name of our baby?" Denise asks
"uhm, it was... "
" visits over, let's go" Sarah knocks the door for them to leave
"almost had it" Dean Munsch squeals
They close the door,
"you almost gave them my name dad" an unknown person says

"we've been up here forever and no Zayday, let's go! " #3 yells," I'm really freaked out" she sees Cassidy walk by, "I'm leaving" she runs off down the hall
"maybe we should continue tomorrow " Grace is about to open a door as #5 says this
" your right" Grace admits
Behind the door Zayday, Brock and April sit in a circle devising a plan.

"come on, I'm never gambling again " Chanel whines as they enter the hotel," I thought if wished on a gold coin it would move to the correct number "
" that's from 'Leprechaun 3'" Carol says
"oh, well I thought I saw it in a guru manual" she flips her hair bringing it to her left shoulder
"excuse me, is there anyway we could stay the night? " Rider asks walking up to Kimmy who sits behind the reception desk with her head down
" lady! " #8 yells as she walks up to the front desk. She pulls at her hand and it falls limp," are you okay? " her body falls back," ahhhghg! "

Kimmy's body lays lifeless.

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