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Marci is walking towards Chris' house smiling to herself. She is finally back to where she belongs and is going to take advantage of every single moment alone with Chris. She goes through the front door heading toward the kitchen because that is where she could always find Gloria. She steps in to see her preparing lunch for all the workers who will be coming up shortly to eat. 

"Need a hand?" asked Marci with a smile. 

Gloria looks up eyes widen to the sight of Marci leaning against the counter. She just continued to work ignoring her question. 

"You plan to ignore me during the time we work?" adds Marci. 

"What lie did you use to convince Chris into coming back?" retorts Gloria suspiciously. 

"You know I would never lie to Chris." 

"Do I? Because if you truly cared for him you would accept things for the way that they are." 

"I have accepted it." 

"I don't believe you, Marci. I don't think I ever will. Forgive me for not jumping for joy that you are back." 

"I don't expect you to be and to be honest your opinion doesn't matter. Chris is the main one." 

Gloria glares up at Marci who is just standing there with her arms folded against her chest. She walks over to her purse taking out her set of keys for the house. She takes off one of the keys to the maid rooms in the back of the house where Gloria stays. She walks over to Marci handing her the key to new room. Marci goes to grab it but Gloria gripped onto it not letting go. 

"I don't know who think you are, but I just feel your intentions are not sincere. I know you are up to something and I do plan to find out. I have my eyes on you, little girl." says Gloria in a low harsh tone. 

Marci yanks the key away not saying a word to Gloria. She storms away out of the kitchen heading toward her room in the maids wing. She leans against the wall in the hallway staring down at her key. It is going to be hard to do anything with William and now Gloria watching her every step. She has to think carefully around them and not to make a scene when around them. 

Annabel makes it over to fields where all the men are now working on the picking vegetables. Chris carries his basket of carrots over to the stock pile bucket that sat on the tractor. William is helping along side him. Chris catches an eye at Anna and smiles at her warmly. He uses his bandanna to wipe the sweat from his face as he walks over to her. She stand there with arms folded against her chest upset. 

"Something wrong?" asks Chris. 

"Yes as a matter of fact there is something wrong. What in God's name were you thinking hiring Marci back into our house?!" exclaims Anna furiously. 

"Honey, I know you are upset, but Gloria needs help in the house and plus Marci is the only one who is willing to do it." 

"I don't care! Marci is dangerous can't you see that!" 

"Anna, she is my friend and needed help. I made her promise not to cause any problems with you or else this would be the last time she steps foot on my land. You have to trust me on this." 

"Girls like her don't deserve second chances. If anything should happen to my child it is going to be your fault!" 

Anna storms away up the hill heading back to the house. She then felt a tug on her arm and it was Chris pulling her back to him. 

"Anna, wait!" said Chris. 

"Let go of me!" cried Anna. 

"Listen to me, darling I love you okay. I won't let Marci hurt you I promise. If she so much as tries anything you tell me immediately and I will take get rid of her." 

"Even if it's verbal threats?" 

"Yes, I will throw her out. I know everyone on the plantation will protect you." 


Chris wraps his arms around Annabel hugging her tight against him. She pulls away smiling up at him. She looks over to see Gloria pushing her cart of lunches down toward the field. The bells ring as she kept pushing. Marci is following along with her pulling two water coolers with her. Chris placed a kiss on Anna's cheek heading down the hill to join the other men for lunch. Anna smiles to herself loving the fact that even though he is owner of the plantation, he still goes out and works. 

"Anna?!" called Jocelyn as she got out of her car. 

Anna rolls her eyes and head over toward her mother. She give her mother a weak embrace as they greet one another. 

"My goodness it is hot out here. Shall we go inside?" sighs Jocelyn fanning her face with her hand. 

"Mother why are you here?" asks Annabel. 

Once they were inside Jocelyn reaches into her purse pulling out an envelope. She acted so giddy while she opened it for Anna. This could only mean trouble, thought Anna to herself. 

"I have some wonderful news that I'm sure you will love. I've already spoken to Chris so everything is moving as smoothly as can be." replied Jocelyn. 

"What is it?" retorts Anna. 

"I sold the house and I'm moving in with you!" 

Anna snatches the papers away from her mother staring down at them. She felt a wave of anger welling up in her heart as she sees the amount paid for her fathers house. How could her mother do this?! Chris helped pay to keep the house and she goes off to sell it! 

"Are you out of your mind?! How dare you sell my fathers house?!" exclaims Anna. 

"For your information it was my house as well and I'm entitled to do as I please with it!" challenges Jocelyn.

"Mother, you know how much that house means to me!" 

"Oh, Annabel stop being so dramatic it's just a damn house." 

"How can you be so cold? My father never meant anything to you did he?" 

"One day you will understand what I'm feeling." 


Anna storms off toward her room slamming the door behind her. Why is her mother being this way? Selling her fathers house like it was nothing, only to slip in and squeeze more money out of Chris. She knows her mother only did it so she continue to stay close by and control everything around her. Not only is she controlling her she is also do it to her brother Michael by forcing him to hook up with another wealthy woman. Anna sure wasn't going to allow her mother to come into her home and dictate things. She's going to make her mission that Chris will never give her mother another dime. 

***Forgive the late update I have been working hard on writing new chapters for this story and the other one that isn't finished. Don't worry I won't leave you guys hanging. Tell me what you think of today's chapter. What do you think Jocelyn is really up too? What about Marci? How far will James go to win over Anna? Vote and Comment please!! New Update soon***

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